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============================================================ [ SE1 Direct ] Issue 902 Monday 19 March 2018 ISSN 1750-0656 ============================================================ IN THIS BULLETIN ============================================================ * Local news & features from the London SE1 website * What's on this week * Local job vacancies * Small offices & desk spaces for rent * Hot topics from the London SE1 Forum * Volunteering opportunities ============================================================ { Local news & features from the London SE1 website } * Citymapper bring bus-taxi hybrid SmartRide to Waterloo Read more at: * Drinking water bottle refill scheme launched in SE1 Read more at: * Activists make their own segregated bike lane on CS7 route Read more at: * Post Office opens at Ronnie's Supermarket in Tanner Street Read more at: * Waterloo Festival writing competition - 2 weeks left Read more at: * Old Kent Road on the agenda at Cannes MIPIM property show Read more at: * Druid Street: Anspach & Hobday wins low alcohol beer prize Read more at: * Review: Fanny & Alexander at The Old Vic Read more at: ============================================================ { What's on this week } BOROUGH, BANKSIDE & WALWORTH COMMUNITY COUNCIL Monday 19 March 6.30pm at Amigo Hall, St George's Cathedral, Lambeth Road Meeting for Cathedrals, Chaucer, East Walworth, Newington and Faraday wards. Includes an update from Delancey on the Elephant & Castle Shopping Centre scheme. Info & map: TWISTS & TRANSFORMATION: DICKENS'S LONDON BOROUGH Tuesday 20 March 5pm-7pm; starts at John Harvard Library, 211 Borough High Street; £6 This walk through the streets of Old Borough follows the 'Twists and Transformations' of Dickens's early childhood, revisiting early Victorian London South of the River. By encountering the traumatic turns in Dickens's early years, we reveal something of his restless spirit, manifest in his compulsive night-walking and his feelings of 'houselessness'. A CoolTan Arts event. Info & map: BERMONDSEY & ROTHERHITHE COMMUNITY COUNCIL Wednesday 21 March 6.30pm at Albion Primary School, Albion Street SE16 Meeting for Grange, Riverside, South Bermondsey, Surrey Docks, Rotherhithe and Livesey wards. Info & map: ILLUMINATED RIVER DROP-IN EXHIBITION Thursday 22 March 3pm-8pm at Coin Street Neighbourhood Centre, 108 Stamford Street The Illuminated River Foundation invites you to view their proposals to light 15 central London bridges as part of a major public artwork. The foundation is hosting a series of public drop-in exhibitions to gain feedback from residents and communities close to the bridges. Info & map: PUBLIC EXHIBITION ON THE FUTURE OF CANTIUM RETAIL PARK Thursday 22 & Monday 26 March Thu & Mon 4pm-8pm at Unwin & Friary TRA Hall, Frensham Street SE15 Galliard Homes and Aviva Investors are proposing hundreds of new homes on the site currently occupied by B&Q, Pets at Home, Halfords and McDonald's on the Old Kent Road. Come and see the plans. Info & map: MIDSUMMER OPERA - VERDI'S LUISA MILLER Friday 23 & Sunday 25 March Fri 7pm; Sun 5pm at St John's Waterloo, 73 Waterloo Road; £23/£25 from 020 7652 0070 and at Midsummer Opera presents two semi-staged performances of Verdi's neglected masterpiece "Luisa Miller". The professional cast includes Emma Dogliari, Stephen Holloway, Andrew Mayor and John Upperton. The Chorus and full Symphony Orchestra of Midsummer Opera will be conducted by Artistic Director David Roblou. Info & map: STORIES OF WOMEN: A DAY OF TALKS EXPLORING WOMEN'S HISTORY Saturday 24 March 10am-5pm at Southwark Cathedral, London Bridge; £12.50 from Southwark Cathedral presents a day of talks about women, looking at their stories, old and new. To mark a century of women's suffrage, the cathedral is celebrating the history of those who fought to get the vote. Info & map: ILLUMINATED RIVER DROP-IN EXHIBITION Saturday 24 March 11am-3pm at Waterloo Action Centre, 14 Baylis Road The Illuminated River Foundation invites you to view their proposals to light 15 central London bridges as part of a major public artwork. The foundation is hosting a series of public drop-in exhibitions to gain feedback from residents and communities close to the bridges. Info & map: ============================================================ { Local job vacancies } - Cleaner, St George the Martyr Church - Community Outreach and Engagement Workers, Morley College - Part time office assistant, Davies Bakeries - Senior Operations Manager, Coin Street Community Builders - Office Manager, Mark Fairhurst Architects - Architectural assistant, Mark Fairhurst Architects See Why not advertise your job vacancy here? Only 9.99: ============================================================ { Small offices & desk spaces for rent } * Rehearsal rooms and office space in SE1 See Why not advertise your office space here? Only 9.99: ============================================================ { Hot topics from the London SE1 Forum } * Watch Repair * Blackfriars Bridge bus lane * Minstry of Sound members' club To see all the current active forum topics, go to: ============================================================ { Volunteering oportunities } * Heritage Events Volunteer, Southwark Cathedral See ============================================================ CONTACT DETAILS ============================================================ Before sending us event information please see Editor: James Hatts - [email protected] SE1 Direct is copyright (c) 2018 Bankside Press Ltd Postal address: 27 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8NY ============================================================ SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION ============================================================ You have received this email because you signed up to receive weekly mailings about SE1 news and events. 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