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============================================================ [ SE1 Direct ] Issue 872 Monday 7 August 2017 ISSN 1750-0656 ============================================================ IN THIS BULLETIN ============================================================ * Local news & features from the London SE1 website * What's on this week * Local job vacancies * Small offices & desk spaces for rent * Hot topics from the London SE1 Forum * Local volunteering opportunities ============================================================ { Local news & features from the London SE1 website } * New sculpture on the river walk by HMS Belfast Read more at: * Man jailed for sexual assault against five women Read more at: * Proposals for Old Kent Road's Underground station name Read more at: * Lammas observed at Borough Market and Southwark Cathedral Read more at: * Architects call to save Southwark Underground Station Read more at: ============================================================ { This newsletter is supported by people like you } This newsletter and the SE1 website are produced thanks to the financial backing of our readers. We need YOUR help so we can continue to serve the community. Membership: Sponsor an hour: ============================================================ { What's on this week } FIGHTING PROUD: THE UNTOLD STORY OF THE GAY MEN WHO SERVED IN TWO WORLD WARS Tuesday 8 August 7pm-8.30pm at Southwark Cathedral, London Bridge; free; booking essential In this astonishing new history of wartime Britain, historian Stephen Bourne unearths the fascinating stories of the gay men who served in the armed forces and at home, and brings to light the great unheralded contribution they made to the war effort. Info & map: FAMILY ACTIVITY DAY Wednesday 9 August 10am-1pm at London Fire Brigade Pop-up Museum, The Workshop, Lambeth High Street; free Family activity day at the London Fire Brigade's pop-up museum in Lambeth. Come and make your own mini animation video, design your own fire-mark or make your own fire engine greetings card. Ideal for children aged 3 and over. Info & map: THE ODDYSSEY - FREE OPEN-AIR THEATRE Wednesday 9 August to Sunday 3 September Wed-Sun 6pm-10pm (part 1 6pm; part 2 7.30pm; part 3 9pm) at The Scoop at More London, More London Riverside; free Ancient Greece's greatest epic story The Odyssey comes to London this summer as a three-part open-air theatre experience played out in The Scoop amphitheatre overlooking Tower Bridge. A three-hour, three-part story led with monstrous creatures and battles on and off the high seas, each part will be a story within itself, and can be enjoyed individually. Alternatively audiences can experience the whole of Odysseus' journey across one fantastical evening or over several visits. And there's no need to book - just turn up and take a seat! There's room for 1,000 people at every performance. Info & map: STAINED GLASS TOUR Wednesday 9 August 6.15pm-7.15pm (meet in Millennium Courtyard, outside Refectory) at Southwark Cathedral, London Bridge; £8 from A journey through time and colour. Look at some of London's best examples of 20th Century stained glass and find out about the techniques used in their production. Info & map: WATERLOO ROUNDABOUT & WATERLOO ROAD CONSULTATION EVENT Thursday 10 August 12pm-5.30pm at Waterloo Action Centre, 14 Baylis Road See plans by TfL and Lambeth Council to remodel the junction around the BFI IMAX cinema at Waterloo. Info & map: TABLE TOP SALE Saturday 12 August 2pm-4pm at Setchell TRA Hall, Hazel Way A Longfield Estate Tenants' & Residents' Association event. Info & map: WATERLOO ROUNDABOUT & WATERLOO ROAD CONSULTATION EVENT Sunday 13 August 10am-3pm at Palestra, 197 Blackfriars Road See plans by TfL and Lambeth Council to remodel the junction around the BFI IMAX cinema at Waterloo. Info & map: COMIDA FEST Saturday 12 to Sunday 13 August Sat 11am-9pm; Sun 11am-7pm at Potters Fields Park, Tooley Street; free Latin American street food festival with music, dancing and activities for children. Info & map: FEMINIST LIBRARY SUMMER FAYRE Saturday 12 August 11am-7pm at Feminist Library, 5 Westminster Bridge Road; £6 (low waged £3) Workshops, stalls and veggie/vegan food. Info & map: MINDFUL DRINKING FESTIVAL Sunday 13 August 12pm-6pm at Bermondsey Square Hotel, Bermondsey Square, Bermondsey Street; free A celebration of the best alcohol-free drinks available, with craft beers, wines, lower-sugar sodas, infusions, and expert mixologists. Club Soda, the mindful drinking movement, is holding the UK's first ever Mindful Drinking Festival, run in association with the UK's number one alcohol free wine brand Eisberg. Relax in the Eisberg Terrace bar or explore the summer roof garden and enjoy tutored tastings, flavour pairings, mixology masterclasses, and secrets from beer experts and wine sommeliers. Info & map: SHAKESPEARE WALK Sunday 13 August 4.30pm-6pm meet in Millennium Courtyard, outside Refectory at Southwark Cathedral, London Bridge; £10 from Meet William Shakespeare in the Church where his brother was buried and explore the area where he lived and worked. Tickets can be bought on Eventbrite and are available in the cathedral shop (020 7367 6710) or on the day (phone to check that spaces are still available) Info & map: ============================================================ { Local job vacancies } * Corporate Social Responsibility Manager, Better Bankside * Accounts Assistant / Admin Support, BridgeOne Telecom Ltd * August kitchen help - Cooking Workshop * PT PA/office assistant, South of the Border Holdings See Why not advertise your job vacancy here? Only 9.99: ============================================================ { Small offices & desk spaces for rent } * Swan Street SE1 Studio/Office for rent * Modern Office Space in Basement in trendy Bermondsey See Why not advertise your office space here? Only 9.99: ============================================================ { Hot topics from the London SE1 Forum } * La Dolce Vita - London Road * Pages Walk, Bianca Road Brewery To see all the current active forum topics, go to: ============================================================ { Local volunteering opportunities } * Volunteer Drivers, Contact the Elderly * Volunteer Receptionist, Waterloo Action Centre * Volunteer with dressmaking or tailoring skills, WAC See ============================================================ CONTACT DETAILS ============================================================ Before sending us event information please see Editor: James Hatts - [email protected] SE1 Direct is copyright (c) 2017 Bankside Press Ltd Postal address: 27 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8NY ============================================================ SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION ============================================================ You have received this email because you signed up to receive weekly mailings about SE1 news and events. 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