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============================================================ [ SE1 Direct ] Issue 870 Monday 24 July 2017 ISSN 1750-0656 ============================================================ IN THIS BULLETIN ============================================================ * Local news & features from the London SE1 website * What's on this week * Local job vacancies * Small offices & desk spaces for rent * Hot topics from the London SE1 Forum * Local volunteering opportunities ============================================================ { Local news & features from the London SE1 website } * Blackfriars Road: 53-storey tower gets green light Read more at: * Roman sarcophagus found at Swan Street construction site Read more at: * Zip wire can stay in Archbishop's Park for rest of summer Read more at: * Garden Bridge: Sadiq aide ordered to hand over papers Read more at: * oBike: dockless cycle hire comes to SE1 Read more at: * Quarter of new homes in Southwark are sold overseas Read more at: * Southwark Tube listing rejected; part-demolition proposed Read more at: * Barriers on Thames bridges for 'foreseeable future' Read more at: * BRF in call for community-led housing on TfL's land Read more at: * Posthumous award for Spaniard killed at London Bridge Read more at: * Newsagents faces licence review over tobacco claims Read more at: * Green flags for Mint Street, Nelson Square & Tate garden Read more at: * Judge Usha Karu appointed as Recorder of Southwark Read more at: ============================================================ { This newsletter is supported by people like you } This newsletter and the SE1 website are produced thanks to the financial backing of our readers. We need YOUR help so we can continue to serve the community. Membership: Sponsor an hour: ============================================================ { What's on this week } TFL LAMBETH BRIDGE DROP-IN CONSULTATION EVENT Tuesday 25 July 12pm-7pm at Birdsong Corridor, St Thomas' Hospital, Westminster Bridge Road See the plans to redesign the junctions at either end of Lambeth Bridge to make them safer for pedestrians and cyclists. Info & map: FINDING NEMO - FREE OPEN-AIR MOVIE Tuesday 25 July 6.30pm at The Scoop at More London; free After his son is captured in the great Barrier Reef and taken to Sydney, a timid clownfish sets out on a journey to bring him home. Free open-air film screening. Info & map: BUSINESS BRIEFING ON PROPOSALS FOR WATERLOO ROUNDABOUT AND WATERLOO ROAD Wednesday 26 July 8.30am-9.30am networking from 8am at BFI IMAX, Charlie Chaplin Walk; RSVP [email protected] Transport for London (TfL) is planning major changes to Waterloo roundabout and Waterloo Road, and have launched a public consultation on their proposals. South Bank BID and WeAreWaterloo is holding a breakfast briefing on these plans. There will be a short presentation from Ben Plowden, TfL's Director of Surface Strategy & Policy and Cllr Jenny Brathwaite, Lambeth Council's Cabinet Member for Housing and Environment. This will be an excellent opportunity to hear directly how this project may affect you, your business and your employees. Following the presentation there will be a Q & A session with Ben Plowden and Cllr Brathwaite, Nic Durston of South Bank BID and Ben Stephenson of WeAreWaterloo. Info & map: THE MASSEY SHAW FIREBOAT AND THE 'LITTLE SHIPS' Wednesday 26 July 10am-3pm at The Workshop, Lambeth High Street; free Following the film opening of 'Dunkirk' in UK cinemas on 21 July , the London Fire Brigade Museum is hosting an exclusive exhibition about the Massey Shaw fireboat and the 'Little Ships'. Visitors are invited to learn about her role in rescuing soldiers from the beaches of Dunkirk during the Second World War through a display of special artefacts, previously unseen photographs and rare film footage. In May 1940 the British Expeditionary Force and both French and Belgian forces were trapped on the beaches surrounding Dunkirk. Hindering these efforts were huge fires in the oil refineries alongside Dunkirk harbour. London Fire Brigade (LFB) were approached for assistance and our Massey Shaw fireboat was dispatched to France with an enhanced crew of both LFB and Auxiliary Fire Service staff. Although the fire boat was not used for firefighting, she assisted in a major operation to evacuate troops known as 'Operation Dynamo'. The operation led to the rescue of both sailors and soldiers from a sinking French warship. On their return to London, the Massey Shaw and her crew received a hero's welcome. Museum visitors will also have the unique opportunity to experience 'operation Dynamo' with dynamic storytelling performances. Info & map: WATERLOO ROUNDABOUT CONSULTATION EVENT Wednesday 26 July 12pm-7.30pm at St John's Waterloo, 73 Waterloo Road See TfL's plans for Waterloo Road and the IMAX junction. Info & map: SUMMER DR BIKE Wednesday 26 July 5pm-8pm outside James Clerk Maxwell Building, 57 Waterloo Road; free Bring your bike to Lambeth's team of professional mechanics who will look it over for free and check tyres, brakes, gears and its general roadworthiness. If your bike has an issue that cannot be rectified in 15 minutes they will advise you on what is wrong so you can take it to a bike shop well-informed. The police will be at the events marking bikes and adding details to This service will deter theft and in the event your bike is stolen, will ensure that your details are on a nationwide database so it is much more likely to be returned to you if recovered. HGV awareness: friendly drivers and professional cycle instructors will show you how to effectively road share with big vehicles. You will have the opportunity to come and sit in the cab of an HGV and see blind spots and the view the drivers have for yourself. Info & map: BOROUGH GREEN SPACES GUIDED WALK Wednesday 26 July Meet 6.30pm at John Harvard Library, 211 Borough High Street; free Guided walk led by Southwark archivist Dr Patricia Dark. A chance to celebrate the neighbourhood and learn about some local stories you may not otherwise know. Info & map: SAM RUSSELL Friday 28 July 1pm at St John's Waterloo, 73 Waterloo Road; free Sam will be performing Bach's First and Second Cello Suites on electric guitar in a similar style to Yo-yo Ma's genre-defining recordings. Sam is the first neo-classical electric guitarist in the world to perform these Suites. Info & map: UNIQLO TATE LATES Friday 28 July 6pm-10pm at Tate Modern, Bankside; free Experience the gallery after hours with a mix of art, music, film and workshops. Find emerging and established DJs selected by NTS Radio, alongside world-class exhibitions, discover pop-up talks, playful artistic activations and hands-on workshops. Or simply enjoy the space, the music, the views and the delicious food and drink offers. Info & map: PRUDENTIAL RIDELONDON FREECYCLE FESTIVAL ZONE Saturday 29 July 9am-4pm at Belvedere Road; free As part of the annual FreeCycle event - which offers a car-free family cycling route through the streets of central London - there will be a 'festival zone' in Jubilee Gardens on the South Bank. The programme includes a BMX Stunt Show, music and Rollapaluza races - compete with your family and friends on a static bike. Info & map: OPERA IN THE SQUARE Sunday 30 July 2pm-5pm at Trinity Church Square Garden; free An afternoon of picnics and opera favourites by a quartet of splendid singers. Entry free. Bring refreshments, chairs and rugs. Organised by Trinity Newington Residents' Association. Info & map: KINOVAN Sunday 30 July 2pm-6pm at Bermondsey Square; free The KinoVan is a mobile cinema showing films from across London, inspired by travelling cinema vans of the 1920s. This screening will feature the best of films collected for London's Screen Archives' project London: A Bigger Picture, many of which have been unseen for decades. There will be a rolling programme of films shown in the open air and accompanied by live music. Info & map: BRIDGE: REMIX Monday 31 July 7pm at The Vaults, Leake Street; free; tickets from Experience the history of the women who built Waterloo Bridge told through a digital dance performance. This digital dance performance involves 16 coders and 3 dancers on stage changing the choreography in real time using movement sensors, sound and light. Choreography is by Pell Ensemble, digital development is led by Su Adams of U Can Too and the sound score was developed by Angus MacRae. 'Bridge: Remix' is part of The Bridge at Waterloo's outreach project. Info & map: PEGGY GUGGENHEIM: ART ADDICT - COMMUNITY FILM CLUB Monday 31 July 7pm at Starr Cinema, Tate Modern, Bankside; free to members Join artist Jessica Voorsanger for the last of a trio of Community Film Club screenings that focus on the lives of artists and collectors. Join us and artist Jessica Voorsanger for the third of a trio of film screenings that focus on the lives of artists and collectors. This month: the portrait of a woman with a colourful personality and personal history who maintained her vision to build one of the most important collections of modern art. Membership of the Community Film Club is open to those living in Southwark and Lambeth. To join (it's free), email [email protected] or call 020 7401 5176. Info & map: ============================================================ { Local job vacancies } * Operations Manager, St George the Martyr Church * After school club supervisor, Oasis Hub Waterloo * Corporate Social Responsibility Manager, Better Bankside * Accounts Assistant / Admin Support, BridgeOne Telecom Ltd * August kitchen help - Cooking Workshop See Why not advertise your job vacancy here? Only 9.99: ============================================================ { Small offices & desk spaces for rent } * Coworking at The Bridge * Modern Office Space in Basement in trendy Bermondsey See Why not advertise your office space here? Only 9.99: ============================================================ { Hot topics from the London SE1 Forum } * Scaffolding above Elephant and Castle pub * Accident on Friday at The Bend? * New Kent Road Revisited * Metro Central Heights * Empty Delancey buildings in E&C * Development - Kennington Lane Jewson's site. * Catering - looking for someone to run a BBQ To see all the current active forum topics, go to: ============================================================ { Local volunteering opportunities } * Collection Tin Coordinator, Marie Curie Cancer Care * Macmillan Support Line Volunteer, Macmillan Cancer Support * Volunteer Drivers, Contact the Elderly * Volunteer Receptionist, Waterloo Action Centre * Volunteer with dressmaking or tailoring skills, WAC See ============================================================ CONTACT DETAILS ============================================================ Before sending us event information please see Editor: James Hatts - [email protected] SE1 Direct is copyright (c) 2017 Bankside Press Ltd Postal address: 27 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8NY ============================================================ SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION ============================================================ You have received this email because you signed up to receive weekly mailings about SE1 news and events. 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