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cathedral draw tour ============================================================ [ SE1 Direct ] Issue 860 Monday 22 May 2017 ISSN 1750-0656 ============================================================ IN THIS BULLETIN ============================================================ * Local news & features from the London SE1 website * What's on this week * Local job vacancies * Small offices & desk spaces for rent * Hot topics from the London SE1 Forum * Local volunteering opportunities ============================================================ { Local news & features from the London SE1 website } * Video: first Bermondsey & Old Southwark election hustings (chaired by Stephen Hance at Southwark Cathedral) Read more at: * Audio: second Bermondsey & Old Southwark election hustings (chaired by Evan Davis at St Mary Newington) Read more at: * Green wall proposal for Lambeth North station Read more at: * New support for out-of-work over-50s at Waterloo Job Shop Read more at: * 'Smart benches' with wifi & USB chargers coming to SE1 Read more at: * Westminster Bridge attack: South Bank Patrol praised Read more at: * Waterloo Travelodge: pay extra & get a KitKat in your room Read more at: * Coming soon: The Great Get Together Bankside (Sun 18 June) Read more at ============================================================ { This newsletter is supported by people like you } This newsletter and the SE1 website are produced thanks to the financial backing of our readers. Please consider joining them so we can survive and thrive: Membership: Sponsor an hour: ============================================================ { What's on this week } PABLO PICASSO: COMMUNITY FILM CLUB Monday 22 May 7pm (doors open 6.30pm) at Tate Exchange, Tate Modern, Bankside; free to members Join artist Jessica Voorsanger for the second of a trio of film screenings that focus on the lives of artists. Exploring the life of Spanish artist Pablo Picasso, enjoy a selection of films including Trimming Pablo (2011) with Director Tim Newton. No need to book a place. Community Film Club membership is open to those living in Southwark and Lambeth. To join, email [email protected] or call 020 7401 5176. Info & map: CROSSBONES MAY FAIR Tuesday 23 May 5pm at Cross Bones Graveyard, Redcross Way; free A special opening and promenade performance on the site of the outcasts' burial ground, exploring its stranger than fiction true story and the amazing creative works it has inspired. 5pm: Special garden opening 5.30pm: John Crow's magical mystery tour of the garden with dramatic interventions by Between Teeth Theatre and other performers 6pm: Performance in the garden of songs and poems for Crossbones hosted by John Constable aka John Crow with singers Cunning Folk, Kirsten Morrison and Marianne Hyatt and poets Mamta Sagar and Ana Seferovic. 7pm: the 156th Crossbones Vigil for the Outcast (at the Red Gates in Redcross Way) - bring mementos to tie to the gates and maybe a song or poem for Crossbones. Info & map: LAMBETH PALACE - NATIONAL GARDENS SCHEME OPEN EVENING Wednesday 24 May 5.30pm-8pm at Lambeth Palace, Lambeth Palace Road; £5 (children free) As part of the National Gardens Scheme, the Archbishop of Canterbury is opening the gardens of Lambeth Palace to visitors. There are regular monthly open days but this is a rare opportunity for members of the public to see the gardens outside of working hours. Info & map: HOSPITALITY RECRUITMENT FAIR Thursday 25 May 10am-12pm at Waterloo Action Centre, 14 Baylis Road WeAreWaterloo, together with EmploySE1, are hosting an open Hospitality Recruitment Fair. This is a great opportunity for candidates to meet directly with the hiring managers of some of the leading hotels and restaurants in SE1 and start working towards a career in hospitality. Candidates should bring copies of their CV and proof of their right to work in the UK. Info & map: HIGHER EDUCATION AND ADVANCED LEARNING OPEN DAY Thursday 25 May 3pm-6pm at Morley College, 61 Westminster Bridge Road; free; book at Would you like to take your learning further? Considering going to university or making a career change? Come along to the college's Open Day to find out if a part-time Access to HE or Higher National Diploma (HND) course is right for you. On the day: speak to tutors, get advice and guidance on finance and attend dedicated workshops. CARAVAN SHORTS Thursday 25 to Saturday 27 May 12 noon-2pm & 5pm-7pm at outside OMEARA, Flat Iron Square, Union Street; free; book a slot at A 15-minute theatre production from a caravan, produced by Robert Linde. Nine audience members at a time can experience one of eight short dramas in this intimate and exciting setting. The caravan will move locations throughout the Bankside area over the course of the Merge Festival. Info & map: UNIQLO TATE LATES Friday 26 May 6pm-10pm at Tate Modern, Bankside; free Experience the gallery after hours with a mix of art, music, film and workshops. Find emerging and established DJs selected by NTS Radio, alongside world-class exhibitions, discover pop-up talks, playful artistic activations and hands-on workshops. Or simply enjoy the space, the music, the views and the food and drink. Info & map: DRAW AND TOUR: SOUTHWARK CATHEDRAL'S MONUMENTS Saturday 27 May 10.30am-11.30am at Southwark Cathedral, London Bridge; £6.50 from Enjoy the history of the monuments of Southwark Cathedral whilst taking the opportunity to sketch the beautiful spaces of this great building. A cathedral guide will share with you the stories behind the monuments and the men and women who are remembered. This tour will cover six stops in the cathedral for an hour of drawing and touring. Please bring your own art materials. Info & map: SOAPBOX SCIENCE Saturday 27 May 2pm-5pm at Bernie Spain Gardens, Upper Ground; free Some of London's leading female scientists take to their soapboxes to showcase their science to the general public on the Thames Path. The event's mission remains the same: to help eliminate gender inequality in science by raising the profile, and challenging the public's view, of women and science. Info & map: FERIA DE LONDRES - SPANISH FESTIVAL Saturday 27 & Sunday 28 May Sat 12 noon-10pm; Sun 12 noon-9pm at Potters Fields Park, Tooley Street; free Anadalusian-style Spanish fair featuring tapas, seafood, meats, Spanish wine and sherry and Flamenco music and entertainment. Info & map: ET ECCE IN TERRAE MOTUS: A POWERFUL AWAKENING Saturday 27 May 5pm-6pm at Southwark Cathedral, London Bridge; free Free hour-long concert by Gothic Voices and the choir of Oslo Cathedral Info & map: TWISTS & TRANSFORMATIONS: DICKENS' LONDON BOROUGH Tuesday 30 May 5.30pm-12am at Borough Underground Station, Borough High Street; £5; book at Join CoolTan Arts for a guided walk exploring Dickens's early childhood, revisiting early Victorian London south of the river. By encountering the traumatic twists in Dickens's early years, as he took his first tentative steps into this new city of opportunity, your guide will reveal something of his restless spirit, manifest in his compulsive night-walking and his feelings of 'houselessness'. Info & map: TREE OR FALSE? Tuesday 30 May 6.15pm at Geraldine Mary Harmsworth Park, Lambeth Road; free; book at londontreeweektreeorfalse Reckon you know the facts from the fibs about trees & nature? This is a fun and interactive walkshop which will follow the park's "Ice Age Tree Trail" to bolster your knowledge of interesting tree facts with a unique spin on "true or false". All participants will be provided with a unique make-your-own identification guide and learning journal which will be used throughout the event. Funded by the Woodland Trust for London Tree Week. Info & map: ============================================================ { Local job vacancies } * Bankside Urban Gardener (maternity cover) * Key-Holder / Office Administrator, Draper Hall * Community Engagement Manager, Science Gallery London See Why not advertise your job vacancy here? Only 9.99: ============================================================ { Small offices & desk spaces for rent } * Modern Office Space in Basement in trendy Bermondsey * Rent an office where you can have a sign outside See Why not advertise your office space here? Only 9.99: ============================================================ { Hot topics from the London SE1 Forum } * Builder/Brickie needed * Automatic deletion of social history * General Election 2017 - Bermondsey & Old Southwark To see all the current active forum topics, go to: ============================================================ { Local volunteering opportunities } * Volunteer to assist in teaching dressmaking, tailoring and clothing alterations * Beautiful Balin garden volunteer See ============================================================ CONTACT DETAILS ============================================================ Before sending us event information please see Editor: James Hatts - [email protected] SE1 Direct is copyright (c) 2017 Bankside Press Ltd Postal address: 27 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8NY ============================================================ SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION ============================================================ You have received this email because you signed up to receive weekly mailings about SE1 news and events. 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