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============================================================ [ SE1 Direct ] Issue 836 Monday 14 November 2016 ISSN 1750-0656 ============================================================ IN THIS BULLETIN ============================================================ * Local news & features from the London SE1 website * What's on this week * Local job vacancies * Small offices & desk spaces for rent * Hot topics from the London SE1 Forum ============================================================ { Local news & features from the London SE1 website } * TfL spent �87k on press & radio ads lauding Elephant works Read more at: * Prince William at Old Vic for Standard Theatre Awards Read more at: * Pictures: Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday 2016 Read more at: * 'Very dangerous man' jailed after Elephant Road fight Read more at: * Will London Bridge lessons be learnt for Waterloo Station? Read more at: * City quashes idea of tolls to cross Thames bridges Read more at: * The Crown: Guy's Hospital surgical team in Netflix drama Read more at: * Sky News to open studio at News Building, London Bridge Read more at: * Thames zip wire to raise funds for Evelina Hospital Read more at: * �20m plan to light up Thames bridges - ideas on show Read more at: * Fire at newspaper & TV channel offices in Sanctuary Street Read more at: * Wet welcome for Lord Mayor on river Read more at: * Review: King Lear at The Old Vic Read more at: ============================================================ { This newsletter is supported by people like you } Membership: Sponsor an hour: ============================================================ { What's on this week } SOUTHWARK CAMPUS OPEN DAY - LEWISHAM SOUTHWARK COLLEGE Wednesday 16 November 2pm-6pm at Lewisham Southwark College, Southark Campus, The Cut Find out more about what the college can offer you after you leave school or wish to retrain. On the day you can talk to tutors about the wide range of courses and view the new Southwark Campus, and talk to guidance officers about the wide range of support on offer at the college. Info & map: FREE LUNCHTIME RECITAL Thursday 17 November 1pm-1.45pm at St George the Martyr, Borough High Street; free Vocal and piano recital with Kate Fun and Christopher Saward. Info & map: BLACKFRIARS SETTLEMENT - ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Thursday 17 November 4pm at Blackfriars Settlement, 1 Rushworth Street All are welcome at the AGM of this key local charity. The formal business starts at 5pm. The focus will be on the achievements of the charity's services and there will be the chance meet some of the people who have worked with Blackfriars Settlement over the last year. Info & map: 18 BLACKFRIARS ROAD DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS Thursday 17 & Saturday 19 November Thu 4pm-8pm; Sat 10am-1pm at G11, Oxo Tower Wharf, Barge House Street Black Pearl invites local residents and workers to attend a public exhibition to view the new proposals for 18 Blackfriars Road. Planning permission was granted for this site - previously known as 20 Blackfriars Road - for two tall buildings with residential, office and retail space. Black Pearl has been working on revised proposals for the redevelopment of the site. A hotel is now being proposed along with additional retail, cultural space and a new public square. See the proposals and give your feedback before Black Pearl submits its planning application to Southwark Council. Info & map: TRAVELLING WITH BASHO: ISAO MIURA PRIVATE VIEW Friday 18 November 6.30pm-9pm at Travelling Through..., 131 Lower Marsh; free Join Travelling Through... for a sampler of sake and a fascinating journey in the footsteps of Japan's greatest poet, Matsuo Basho, with artist and sculptor Isao Miura. Hailing from the "deep north" himself, Isao will guide visitors through some of the beautiful charcoal sketches which began his own journey to "translate" Basho's masterpiece, The Narrow Road to the Deep North, into visual images. Learn about Basho's status as the much-loved father figure of Japanese poetry and also have the chance to travel with Isao as he moves from two to three dimensional images, from paper to plaster and bronze. Info & map: HANSEL & GRETEL - MIDSUMMER OPERA Friday 18 & Sunday 20 November Fri 7pm; Sun 5pm at St John's Waterloo, 73 Waterloo Road; �23 (conc �21, Friday only); On door �27 (�25 concessions) from 020 7652 0070 Midsummer Opera presents two pre-Christmas performamces of Humperdinck's fairy-tale opera 'Hansel & Gretel', semi-staged, in German. The soloists, children's chorus and Symphony Orchestra of Midsummer Opera will be conducted by MSO's Artistic Director, David Roblou. Info & map: ============================================================ { Local job vacancies } * Maintenance Coordinator, Arundel Buildings Housing Co-op See Why not advertise your job vacancy here? Only �9.99: ============================================================ { Small offices & desk spaces for rent } Why not advertise your office space here? Only �9.99: ============================================================ { Hot topics from the London SE1 Forum } * Virgin media down again * Children's Entertainer * Monkey bars in SE1? * Clothes alterations * Lalit hotel To see all the current active forum topics, go to: ============================================================ CONTACT DETAILS ============================================================ Before sending us event information please see Editor: James Hatts - [email protected] SE1 Direct is copyright (c) 2016 Bankside Press Postal address: 27 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8NY ============================================================ SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION ============================================================ You have received this email because you signed up to receive weekly mailings about SE1 news and events. Unsubscribe *|EMAIL|* from this list: *|UNSUB|* Change the email address we send this newsletter to: *|UPDATE_PROFILE|*