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============================================================ [ SE1 Direct ] Issue 772 Monday 24 August 2015 ISSN 1750-0656 ============================================================ IN THIS BULLETIN ============================================================ * Local news & features from the London SE1 website * What's on this week * Local job vacancies * Small offices & desk spaces for rent * Hot topics from the London SE1 Forum * Business forum in association with Better Bankside ============================================================ { Local news & features from the London SE1 website } * Bricklayers Arms flyover: could it be demolished soon? Read more at: * 900-seat theatre to open at One Tower Bridge Read more at: * Lambeth Palace: drinks licence granted despite noise fears Read more at: * Private sixth-form college prepares to open in Waterloo Read more at: * Ofsted finds 'new energy' at Lewisham Southwark College Read more at: * St Thomas' to St Petersburg: charity bike ride under way Read more at: ============================================================ { What's on this week } FAMILY FIRE SAFETY WEEK Tuesday 25 to Thursday 27 August at London Fire Brigade Museum, Winchester House, 94A Southwark Bridge Road; free; booking essential 020 8555 1200 x39894 or [email protected] London Fire Brigade Museum will be opening its doors for a series of fire safety activities, ideal for children under 10 yrs. Come and learn about the importance of home fire safety and then have a chance to explore the museum. Info & map: MARIONETTE MAKING WORKSHOP Tuesday 25 August 3pm at Live Arts Pavilion, Potters Fields Park, Tooley Street; free; booking essential Make your own basic marionette using found objects! Marionettes are string puppets which can be as simple or as complicated as you like... Bring along an object of beauty (like a feather, shell, piece of broken jewellery?) and exchange it with Sian to be turned in to a puppet. You will be creating basic string puppets creatures and incorporating your objects and a few of Sian's own to make a puppet creature that you can take away with you. This workshop is suitable for ages 6+. Hot glue guns and pliers will be used so children will be need to be accompanied. Info & map: LONDON BRIDGE LIVE ARTS TALK Wednesday 26 August 6pm-8.30pm at Underdog Gallery, Arch 6 Crucifix Lane; free; booking essential Join Team London Bridge for a very special discussion looking at the way that arts and sciences interact through new technologies and multimedia. Two Wellcome Trust Image Award winners will be discussing their works and their delivery process. Music by Bloch Eyot, a new musical adventure of musician Nikolaj Bloch. A personal hurricane of Scandinavian roots, English heritage and the subculture of the rivers where he lives. A multi instrumentalist but foremost a singing guitarist with an affection for the musical saw. His compelling melodies and musical touch can be heard on recordings spanning alternative artists to Hollywood movies. Info & map: ART MACABRE PRESENTS EXQUISITE CORPSE DRAWING SALON Thursday 27 August 6pm-8pm at Gibbon's Rent, Gibbons Rents; free; booking essential Join Art Macabre for a creative and playful drawing workshop, injecting a lethal dose of theatricality into the art of sketching all within the sublime atmosphere of one of London Bridge's best kept secret spaces � the Gibbon's Rent community garden. Capture costumed models as they pose and perform multiple identities to inspire sketches from both your imagination and observation. Exploring the theme of exchange, participate in Surrealist drawing games such as 'Exquisite Corpse' and collaborative sketching challenges, as live models pose alongside skeletons and swap props and theatrical costumes throughout the event; playing with the exchange between life and death, male and female, human and animal identities. Info & map: DISCOVER SHAD THAMES Friday 28 August 12.30pm-2pm (meet opposite Caffe Fratelli) at Potters Fields Park; free A tour of discovery around Shad Thames. Visit places and spaces that reveal the area's DNA: marking out its rich history, complex recent past and dynamic future. The tour is led by Janet Morris, long-term local resident and chair of STAMP (Shad Thames Area Management Partnership). Info & map: A PLAY ABOUT US Friday 28 August 6.30pm at House of Vans, Arches 228-232, Station Approach Road; free Coin Street Community Builders' Summer Drama Club presents a free showcase. A free event which showcases the work of seven young people's ideas about what it means to be part of a South Bank community. For more info contact Anna on [email protected] Info & map: GONE IN 20 MINUTES - STREET THEATRE Friday 28 August 12pm-7pm at Oxo Tower Wharf and Bankside next to Tate Modern; free An afternoon of unusual performances along the riverside between Oxo Tower Wharf and Tate Modern as part of the Blackfriars Stories programme. Working with the Arts Council, Southwark Council has trawled the country for the latest cutting edge street theatre. Shows include a duet between a girl and an upside astronaut, a hip-hop dance show which explores the themes of visual impairment, and a circus version of Stomp Each artist will perform twice during the afternoon and will swap around spaces. You the audience vote for your favourite act. Most performances will take place in front of Tate Modern and at the rear of Oxo Tower Wharf. Info & map: BERMONDSEY WALK WITH OLD MAPS Saturday 29 August 11am; �10 (conc �8); book via [email protected] by 9am on the day Join Ken Titmuss for a walk with old maps exploring London's one-time leather-making district. Among Victorian warehouses you will find 17th century houses on the road that once led to Bermondsey Abbey and. Reminders of the area's former poverty survive with a mission hall and settlement building. You will find unlikely remnants of the Abbey and celebrate the work of Bermondsey Borough Council's Beautification Committee. Info & map: FAMILY WEEKEND AT UNICORN THEATRE Saturday 29 to Sunday 30 August 10am-5pm at Unicorn Theatre, 147 Tooley Street; free Two days of free activities (for ages 3+) to celebrate the Unicorn's 10th anniversary. Info & map: ============================================================ { Local job vacancies } * Qualified Teachers Needed, TalentEd * Telephone Helpline Volunteers, Action on Elder Abuse * Volunteer Opportunities, Action on Elder Abuse * Peer Support Volunteers, Action on Elder Abuse * Admin Volunteers, Action on Elder Abuse See Why not advertise your job vacancy here? Only �9.99: ============================================================ { Small offices & desk spaces for rent } * South London's Newest Co-Working Destination * 2 room office on Southwark Bridge Road See Why not advertise your office space here? Only �9.99: ============================================================ { Hot topics from the London SE1 Forum } * Community coffee morning - idea * What would a Corbyn victory mean for Southwark Labour? * The Craftsman Cafe Abbey Street To see all the current active forum topics, go to: ============================================================ { Business forum in association with Better Bankside } * Fisher need a physio - can you help? * Small Office Room to let needed To see all the current active forum topics, go to: ============================================================ CONTACT DETAILS ============================================================ Before sending us event information please see Editor: James Hatts - [email protected] SE1 Direct is copyright (c) 2015 Bankside Press Postal address: 27 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8NY ============================================================ SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION ============================================================ You have received this email because you signed up to receive weekly mailings about SE1 news and events. 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