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SE1 Direct 523: your weekly news & events briefing ============================================================ [ SE1 Direct ] Issue 523 About this email newsletter: Daily local news & features: Monday 15 November 2010 ISSN 1750-0656 ============================================================ IN THIS BULLETIN ============================================================ * Local news & features from the London SE1 website * Advert: Ski-Fit on the Power Plate * What's on this week * 2 local job vacancies this week * Small offices & desk spaces for rent * Hot topics from the London SE1 Forum * Business Forum in association with Better Bankside ============================================================ { Local news & features from the London SE1 website } Remember you don't have to wait till SE1 Direct drops into your mailbox to get a local news fix. The London SE1 website offers the latest news throughout the week. You can also see the news on a map: * Titanic garden & Waterloo Action Centre want your vote Read more at: * Remembrance Sunday: photos and video Read more at: * Work starts on Novotel and Ibis hotels in Blackfriars Road Read more at: * John Harvard Library bucks trend as visitor numbers rise Read more at: * Bermondsey's Albert McKenzie VC at Imperial War Museum Read more at: * Shard skyscraper noise reduction efforts win award Read more at: * Waterloo Millennium Green: calling local residents Read more at: * Dr Andrew Harris appointed as Southwark coroner Read more at: * Arts project aims to capture essence of Elephant & Castle Read more at: * Duke of Edinburgh opens Globe's new Sackler Studios Read more at: * London Development Agency boss sets out "tough messages" Read more at: * Waterloo Quarter BID asks firms to back second 5yr term Read more at: * Video: Pikemen and musketeers at Southwark Cathedral Read more at: * Team London Bridge wins second term Read more at: * Paul Boateng preaches at Southwark Cathedral Read more at: * Claim a �5 voucher at Borough's Jubilee Market on Thursday Go to: ============================================================ { Advert } Ski-Fit on the Power Plate 20% discount on this 5 week course! This 5 week course of 15 sessions, 3 times per week is designed to target the areas needed to make sure you are fit for the slopes. The workout is tailored for the novice or veteran ski-er focusing on balance, core and strength exercises; also injury prevention. We are an independent studio with classes of no more than 4 people. This allows us to focus you. Making sure you receive the attention needed to meet your goals. 020 7403 9988. Fitness For Every Body Trowbray House, 108 Weston Street SE1 3QB ------------------------------------------------------------ How to advertise: ============================================================ { What's on this week } Each week we select a few highlights from the community and cultural events taking place over the next seven days. For a comprehensive what's on guide visit or pick up a copy of our free monthly printed publication, 'in SE1'. EMPIRE WAREHOUSE PUBLIC EXHIBITION, BEAR GARDENS, BANKSIDE Monday 15 & Wednesday 17 November Mon 4.30pm-7.30pm & Wed 2pm-5pm at 1-2 Bear Gardens Public exhibition of plans by Macro Investments to redevelop the Empire Warehouse site in Bear Gardens, Bankside. Proposed uses include a "boutique apartment hotel" and residential accommodation. Info & map: ENCOUNTERING SCULPTURE Monday 15 November 6pm at St John's Waterloo, Waterloo Road; free; to book email [email protected] or phone 020 7633 9819 Ghislaine Kenyon, a learning and interpretation specialist, formerly head of education at the National Gallery and Somerset House will introduce Ana Maria Pacheco's Shadows of the Wanderer. Info & map: SHAD THAMES RESIDENTS' ASSOCIATION OPEN MEETING Monday 15 November 7.30pm at The Bridge House, 218 Tower Bridge Road Local residents are invited to attend this meeting which includes an update on the association's recent activities. Cllr Peter John, leader of Southwark Council, will address the meeting. Stephen Cornford, director of the Potters Fields Park Management Trust will provide an update on the latest events on the park, and issues relating to the development on the adjoining coach park. Riverside ward councillor Eliza Mann will report on what is happening locally. Alan Blisset from Southwark Council and Alan Everett from Pyeroy will provide information on work and noise containment related to Tower Bridge, the Shard and other local issues. Info & map: GUY'S HOSPITAL TOWER PUBLIC EXHIBITION Tuesday 16 to Sunday 21 November at Atrium 1, Guy's Hospital, Great Maze Pond Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust is holding an exhibition to showcase the proposed design for the refurbishment of Guy's Hospital Tower. Everyone is invited to the exhibition and views are welcome. Info & map: SOUTHWARK COUNCIL BUDGET CONSULTATION OPEN MEETING Tuesday 16 November 6pm at 160 Tooley Street, 160 Tooley Street Help the council to decide which services should be kept, reduced or cut. The authority wants to know how you think services could be delivered differently and what the council's priorities should be. Info & map: POETRY IN THE SQUARE AT WOOLFSON & TAY Tuesday 16 November 7pm at Woolfson & Tay, 12 Bermondsey Square; �4 Host Daniel Cockrill, famed for putting on poetry events for people who do not necessarily like poetry, comes to Bermondsey Square to deliver a poetry evening that will make you laugh, cry, think and feel. Sign up on the night, take part in the open mic session and win your own featured slot at next month's Poetry In The Square event. The night will conclude with a performance by a headline act and one of the finest acts that the poetry world has to offer. Info & map: DROP-IN DESIGN SESSION AT ST SAVIOUR'S & ST OLAVE'S Wednesday 17 November 6pm-8pm at St Saviour's and St Olave's School, Bartholomew Street Following many weeks of design, and a number of residents' meetings, 4 Futures now have a clear outline design proposal for the planned extension to St Saviour's and St Olave's. This will offer much-needed extra teaching space, as well as an improved reception area and community meeting room. The plans have now been revised in the light of new information about the existing building. View and discuss our revised plans This drop-in meeting is an opportunity for all local residents and businesses, whether you have attended before or not, to see both the background to the scheme, and the proposal that 4 Futures hopes to take forward. Although details will be resolved at the next stage, 4 Futures now has a strong idea of the proposed building's location, height, shape, and overall look, and of the way in which it might relate to Bartholomew Street. Info & map: ECE TEMELKURAN: A JOURNEY TO THE HEART OF THE TURKISH-ARMENIAN CONFLICT Wednesday 17 November 7pm at Woolfson & Tay, 12 Bermondsey Square; �5 (conc �3) Renowned Turkish author and journalist Ece Temelkuran speaks about her latest book Deep Mountain, a personal and political journey to the heart of the Turkey-Armenia conflict. Info & map: STORYTELLING AT WOOLFSON & TAY Thursday 18 November 10am-11am at Woolfson & Tay, 12 Bermondsey Square; free Bookshop / gallery opens an hour early especially for this event. Bring your toddler and relax with a cappuccino in the cafe while Vanessa Woolf tells colourful stories with a local flavour for under-fives. All welcome. Info & map: PRE AND POST-NATAL FITNESS Thursday 18 November 7pm-7.45pm at Snowsfields Wellness, 41 Snowsfields; free; email [email protected] to book The talk is for new mums and mums to be about pre and post natal fitness. It will be informative and provide a chance to meet other mums in the area. Info & map: THE LAITHWAITES WINE SHOW 2010 Friday 19 to Saturday 20 November Fri 5.30pm-8.30pm; Sat 11.30am-2.30pm & 5.30pm-8.30pm at The Great Halls, Vinopolis, 1 Bank End; �25 Over 200 of Laithwaites Wine's best wines will be on show, all poured by the winemakers and producers themselves, making this a unique opportunity to discover the stories behind the wines and try something new. Info & map: LIBERA CONCERT AT ST GEORGE'S CATHEDRAL Friday 19 November 7.30pm at St George's Cathedral, Lambeth Road; �15 (conc �10) The autumn UK concert tour by the internationally acclaimed boy singers of Libera comes to Southwark. The tour is timed to coincide with the EMI release of their special edition CD and DVD album 'Peace'. Libera is a boys' vocal group directed by Robert Prizeman and associated with the Anglican parish of St Philip's, Norbury. Libera's original sound is both ancient and modern. Info & map: COLOGNE CHRISTMAS MARKET ON THE SOUTH BANK Friday 19 November to Thursday 23 December Sun-Thu 11am-8pm; Fri & Sat 10am-10pm on the South BAnk The South Bank's Cologne Christmas Market evokes a festive German atmosphere when the section of the Queen's Walk between the London Eye and Royal Festival Hall turns into a promenade for the young and the young-at-heart. Up to 60 traditionally decorated wooden chalets sell a wide range of unique hand-crafted gifts, unusual Christmas presents, food and drink. Younger visitors can visit Santa's grotto or ride the carousel whilst parents relax, listening to traditional Christmas music. Info & map: JOANNA CZECHOWSKA VISITS JOHN HARVARD BOOK GROUP Friday 19 November 1pm-2pm at John Harvard Library, 211 Borough High St; free The book group will this month discuss The Black Madonna of Derby. Author Joanna Czechowska will be present to join the discussion. Coffee and tea will be provided. To pick up a copy of the book or find out more about the group email [email protected] Info & map: CHRISTMAS FAYRE AT SETCHELL TRA HALL Saturday 20 November 2pm at Setchell TRA Hall, Hazel Way; 20p The Setchell Estate Tenants' & Residents' Association present their Christmas Fayre. Books, toys, bric-a-brac, cake stall and raffle. Info & map: DRUID STREET FOOD WAREHOUSE NOVEMBER OPEN DAY Saturday 20 November 8am-2pm at 104 Druid Street A collective of specialist food importers and small producers will be holding a special open day. They will be cooking some of their products for visitors to taste and talking about special Christmas produce. There will be biodynamic beef from Kent, biodynamic turkeys, traditional pannetone from the north of Italy and chocolate covered candied fruits from the south. Look out for Swiss alpine cheese and raclette, plus salmon and scallops from North Uist. Info & map: POP-UP BOOKSTALL IN TRINITY CHURCH SQUARE Saturday 20 November 10am-4pm outside 57 Trinity Church Square Lots of secondhand books, fiction and non-fiction for sale (weather permitting). Most books cost 50p. Stock will change every week, so it is worth coming back. Proceeds in aid of Trinity Newington Residents' Association funds. Info & map: MESSY CHURCH: COUNTDOWN TO CHRISTMAS Saturday 20 November 3.30pm-5pm at St Anne's Church Hall, Thorburn Square; free Messy church is fun for all the family � games, crafts, short fun-filled service, tea. All welcome. Children under 8 must be accompanied by an adult.� Children over 8 should be registered by an adult. Info & map: CURIOUSER AND CURIOUSER AT THE OLD VIC TUNNELS Saturday 20 to Sunday 21 November Sat 6pm-11pm; Sun 11am-4pm at The Old Vic Tunnels, Leake Street; �7 The latest in a series of innovative and surprising arts events taking place at the Old Vic Tunnels beneath Waterloo Station. Info & map: NEIL MACGREGOR: FAITH, JUSTICE AND ART Sunday 21 November 10.30am at St John's Waterloo, Waterloo Road Neil MacGregor, director of the British Museum, gives an address on Faith, Justice and Art as part of the Faith, Justice, City series of Sunday morning sermons at St John's. Info & map: THE BATTLE OF THE ANCRE AND THE ADVANCE OF THE TANKS Sunday 21 November 2pm at Imperial War Museum, Lambeth Road; free The official film record of the Somme campaign as it dragged on into the winter of 1916. This film contains the first views of the tank - the new British secret weapon - and the mud that beset the Western Front. This screening will be accompanied by a live performance of the musical medley that was played to accompany the film when it was first distributed. Info & map: SWORD DANCING WORKSHOP Monday 22 November 8pm-10pm at Welsh Chapel, 90 Southwark Bridge Road Come and have a go at fast paced traditional English sword dancing with the award winning Thrales Rapper. All abilities welcome: please wear smooth soled shoes (not trainers). Info & map: ============================================================ { Local job vacancies } * Tax Manager or Tax Accountant, Bear Space LLP * Junior Office Administrator, The JoJo Entertainment Co Details at Why not advertise your job vacancy here? Only �9.99: ============================================================ { Small offices & desk spaces for rent } * Desk space in creative, vibrant office Details at Why not advertise your office space here? Only �9.99: ============================================================ { Hot topics from the London SE1 Forum } Our weekly digest of new topics started at * Best Sunday Roast in SE1 * Locksmith * Primary education tutoring - help with phonics etc * Playing bridge in SE1 * The World Turned Upside Down becomes Domino's Pizza * Tattoo shop in Riley Road To see all the current active forum topics, go to: ============================================================ { Business forum in association with Better Bankside } * Wanted - Local SE1 bookkeeper/independent accountant Read more at ============================================================ CONTACT DETAILS ============================================================ Before sending us event information please see Editor: James Hatts - [email protected] SE1 Direct is copyright (c) 2010 Bankside Press ============================================================ SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION ============================================================