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SE1 Direct 507: Living The Dream, John Hegley & Oxo Tower drumming ============================================================ [ SE1 Direct ] Issue 507 About this email newsletter: Daily local news & features: Monday 26 July 2010 ISSN 1750-0656 ============================================================ IN THIS BULLETIN ============================================================ * Local news & features from the London SE1 website * Advert: Traditional and modern upholstery service * What's on this week * 3 local job vacancies this week * Small offices & desk spaces for rent * Hot topics from the London SE1 Forum * Business Forum in association with Better Bankside ============================================================ { Local news & features from the London SE1 website } Remember you don't have to wait till SE1 Direct drops into your mailbox to get a local news fix. The London SE1 website offers the latest news throughout the week. You can also see the news on a map: * Giant billboards for South Bank, Blackfriars Rd & Elephant TfL warns of 'unacceptable' safety risk at Elephant Read more at: * Assembly to investigate London Promenade for SE1 riverside Read more at: * Cycle Superhighways launched by Boris Johnson Read more at: * Designs for Guy's Hospital cancer centre revealed Read more at: * WaCoCo's Richard Bridge joins Lambeth co-op commission Read more at: * Hannibal House fully occupied says St Modwen - but shopping centre's future remains in doubt Read more at: * Jail for London Bridge & Waterloo graffiti vandal Read more at: * Peter John clashes with 'Red Ted' Knight at cuts meeting Read more at: * Globe Education's Sackler Studios to open in Park Street Read more at: * NCVO learns from SE1 United Youth Forum Read more at: * Bereavement centre opens at Guy's Hospital Read more at: * Competition: win tickets to Carnaval del Pueblo afterparty Go to to enter ============================================================ { Advert } ~Madam Chairwoman~ Bring me your heirlooms! Traditional and modern upholstery service, Reviving tired and well loved chairs in the local area. From simple recovering to full restoration. For a free quote please call Madeleine Anderson on:- 0777 250 3101 or visit:- ------------------------------------------------------------ Get your ad here: > Now taking bookings for mid August onwards so be quick! ============================================================ { What's on this week } Each week we select a few highlights from the community and cultural events taking place over the next seven days. For a comprehensive what's on guide visit or pick up a copy of our free monthly printed publication, 'in SE1'. LIVING THE DREAM: NATIONAL YOUTH THEATRE IN POTTERS FIELDS Daily until Saturday 31 July 1pm at Potters Fields Park, Tooley Street; free Living The Dream is a bilingual adaption of William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream which will be staged by two casts of National Youth Theatre performers split between London and Shanghai. Different parts of this Shakespearean classic will unfold on different continents as music, language and technology entwine to create a truly unique theatrical experience. Whilst the fairy dream world of this magical tale will be created against the stunning backdrop of the UK Pavilion at the World Expo in Shanghai, the human realm of the musical mechanicals will spring up in Potters Fields Park. Info & map: PHOTO SHOOT FOR LIVING STREETS (RESCHEDULED DUE TO WEATHER) Tuesday 27 July 9am-5.30pm at The Cut, The Cut Living Streets - the national charity working to create safe, attractive and enjoyable streets around the UK - is holding a charity photo shoot to get inspiring imagery of ordinary people using a pedestrian-friendly environment in their local area. They are inviting people from the SE1 area to come and be photographed. Everyone is invited. Living Streets needs people of all ages, shapes, sizes, and ethnicities. (Any aspiring models, actors, performers are more than welcome!) Free portrait photos will be sent to all participants. If you would like to take part or would like more information, please send an email to: [email protected] or call 020 7377 4900. Info & map: BANKSIDE KNITTING CLUB Tuesday 27 July 6.15pm at Leon, 7 Canvey Street; free John Harvard Library has started a knitting club where books will also be discussed. Learners and experienced knitters all welcome. The group will meet on the fourth Tuesday of the month and this is the second session. Contact [email protected] Info & map: DESIGUAL KISS TOUR LONDON KISS PARTY Wednesday 28 July 6pm-9pm at Potters Fields Park, Tooley Street; free This summer Spanish high street brand Desigual is hosting the Kiss Tour. Desigual is calling all Londoners to enjoy a fun evening in the capital with entertainment from some of London's great DJs and inviting everyone to join in a group kiss. The Kiss Party originated in Desigual's home town, Barcelona, where the brand wanted to create a social event bringing together all members of the city to enjoy an evening of entertainment, celebrating their enthusiastic and amorous side to life. Desigual supports free kissing, where each participant expresses himself or herself through a kiss, so the Kiss Party will be a completely free event open to all. Guilty Pleasures and Moshi Moshi DJs will animate the event with music plus a special guest host who will present the event on the evening. Info & map: THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA AT WATERLOO EAST THEATRE Wednesday 28 & Thursday 29 July 7.30pm (Sun 3pm) at Waterloo East Theatre, Brad Street; �10 (conc �6) Hemingway's Pulitzer Prize winning novel adapted for the stage by Rob Young and directed by Laura Casey. A swaggering tale full of so much yearning that you can hear it squeak. 4 days, 2 gladiators, 1 death. A chance to visit SE1's newest theatre in advance of its official opening in September. Info & map: SE1 UNITED SPORTS DAY Thursday 29 July 12pm-6pm at Archbishop's Park, Carlisle Lane; free Free sports, activities and games for all ages. Bring a picnic, sun cream and an umbrella. Info & map: JOHN HEGLEY AT BANG SAID THE GUN Thursday 29 July 8pm at The Roebuck, 50 Great Dover Street; �5 (conc �3) Stand-up poetry with John Hegley and The Bang Said The Gun All Stars - Dan Cockrill, Martin Galton and Rob Auton. Info & map: AUDEN AND BRITTEN AT THE GPO: FILMS PROJECTED ON SOUTH BANK Friday 30 July 10.30pm at National Theatre, South Bank; free Free projection of films onto the NT flytower. In the 1930s the GPO Film Unit was home to some of Britain's most audacious creative talents. Among them were WH Auden and Benjamin Britten, the two central characters in The Habit of Art, who brought a radical approach to the development of sound in British film, most famously in Night Mail (1936). Also a chance to see their collaborations Coal Face (1935), God's Chillun (1938) and Lotte Reiniger's delightful animation, The Tocher (1938), scored by Britten in a particularly playful mood. Info & map: 60|40 ARTISTS IN CONVERSATION Friday 30 July 7pm at Siobhan Davies Studios, 85 St George's Road; free; reservations are essential on 020 7091 9650 Artists Chris Keenan, Linda Florence and David Gates of the 60l40 Arts Collective will take part in a panel discussion that considers differences and similarities in methodologies and processes in making work which responds to the physical environment of Siobhan Davies Studios. Coming to the project from different disciplines, they question 'where are the visible overlaps and spaces between our approaches?' Info & map: FUN DOG DAY Saturday 31 July 12pm-4pm at Paterson Park, off Lynton Road; free Bring your pet to the park for free microchipping and join in the fun activities. Spend a great afternoon with your family and don't forget to bring your pet! Show off your pet in the Fun Dog Show and don't miss out on the free dog and cat microchipping, as well as fun activities including Millwall Football Club running football sessions and free face painting. Info & map: FAMILY FUN DAY IN LONG LANE PARK Saturday 31 July 12pm-8pm at Long Lane Park, Long Lane; free Free family fun day organised by Decima Street TRA full of entertainment. Info & map: SUMMER FAIR & AFRICAN MARKET AT ST GEORGE'S CATHEDRAL Saturday 31 July 1pm-5pm at Car Park, St George's Cathedral, Lambeth Road; free The Daughters of Divine Love are holding a summer fair and market in the car park of St George's Cathedral to raise funds for their new convent in Wood Green. Featuring African food stalls, games, tombola, dance, craft stalls, bouncy castle and a raffle. Info & map: BEAT THE DRUM TO BAN CLUSTER BOMBS - SOUTH BANK Sunday 1 August 3pm-4pm outside the Bargehouse, Oxo Tower Wharf; free Campaigners are mobilising around the world to mark the entry into force on 1 August 2010 of the Convention on Cluster Munitions - the most significant disarmament and humanitarian treaty in more than a decade. There will be a public drumming event outside the Bargehouse at Oxo Tower Wharf as London's contribution to the worldwide events. Info & map: PLATFORM AT THE OLD VIC TUNNELS Auditions coming up for community drama - sign up at UNTRAINED DANCERS WANTED FOR TATE MODERN PROJECT See for info ============================================================ { Local job vacancies } * Bar/Waiting Staff Required, The Laughing Gravy * Director, United Saint Saviour's Charity * [Volunteers] Are you interested in London's past? * [Volunteers] Events 'Host', Southwark Circle Details at Why not advertise your job vacancy here? Only �9.99: ============================================================ { Small offices & desk spaces for rent } * Desk Space in Creative Environment, Forster Details at Why not advertise your office space here? Only �9.99: ============================================================ { Hot topics from the London SE1 Forum } Our weekly digest of new topics started at * Fitted Bedroom Wardrobes * Simon Hughes MP. Nil Response! * Lost parrot spotted in Tanner Street Park * Weston Street tunnel * Carbuncles in SE1 * Dressmaker recommendations * Strange 'vine' in St. George's Road * Art or graffiti? * Design Museum moving * Disturbance in Toulmin Street * Anne Hathaway filming on Lower Marsh & Waterloo Road To see all the current active forum topics, go to: ============================================================ { Business forum in association with Better Bankside } * Business mentors - Princes Trust * Local Networking Contacts * Hunting for a Handyman * Kiosk Lease - London Bridge Station Read more at ============================================================ CONTACT DETAILS ============================================================ Before sending us event information please see Editor: James Hatts - [email protected] SE1 Direct is copyright (c) 2010 Bankside Press ============================================================ SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION ============================================================