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SE1 Direct 419: Ethical Christmas Emporium & more ============================================================ [ SE1 Direct ] Issue 419 About this email newsletter: Daily local news & features: Monday 17 November 2008 ISSN 1750-0656 ============================================================ IN THIS BULLETIN ============================================================ * Local news & features from the London SE1 website * Advert: Deep tissue remedial massage * What's on this week * Local job vacancies: Concierge & receptionist * Noticeboard: meeting rooms for hire in Waterloo * Hot topics from the London SE1 Forum * Business Forum in association with Better Bankside ============================================================ { Local news & features from the London SE1 website } Remember you don't have to wait till SE1 Direct drops into your mailbox to get a local news fix. The London SE1 website offers the latest news throughout the week. You can also see the news on a map: * Newington Triangle mixed-use development: architects named Read more at: * Iceland store at Elephant fined �10,000 for rodent problem Read more at: * Arm wrestling world record broken in Potters Fields Park Read more at: * 'We can build Cross River Tram at no cost to public' Read more at: * "Let's see the colour of their money": Boris on private backing for Cross River Tram Read more at: * Jail for men who shot woman in Old Kent Road Read more at: * Elephant housing delay "not acceptable" admits regen boss Read more at: * Radio Days celebrates 15 years in Lower Marsh Read more at: * Zoe Wanamaker unveils plaque for Globe's master builders Read more at: * Bath Travel buys Baxter Hoare Read more at: ============================================================ { Advert: DEEP TISSUE REMEDIAL MASSAGE } Not a luxury but essential for health! Headaches? Migraines? Stress? Back pain? Knee pain? Sore muscles? Stiffness? Chronic tiredness? Deep tissue remedial massage can help! * What is deep tissue remedial massage? A deep tissue massage is exactly what it sounds like. The massage therapist will first identify areas of the body in which there is tension, and then using various techniques, will first work to remove the tension in the surface areas of the muscles. The therapist will then go deeper and deeper into the muscle to isolate and remove the true source of the tension. * Who needs deep tissue massage? Almost everyone carries tension somewhere in their bodies. This massage can help anyone with problems, from stress through simple niggles or injuries, to chronic muscle and joint pain. * How much will it cost? This is a full body massage in which one should ideally invest one-and-a-half hours. The normal cost is �70 but if you cite this advertisement, I will offer you the massage for �50. For an appointment with Nikki Anderson, please call 07793 047747 or email [email protected] ------------------------------------------------------------ Get your ad here: ============================================================ { What's on this week } Each week we select a few highlights from the community and cultural events taking place over the next seven days. For a comprehensive what's on guide visit or pick up a copy of our free monthly printed publication, 'in SE1'. CELEBRATING OUR COMMUNITY: WHAT LOCALS THINK ABOUT BOROUGH Monday 17 November 6.30pm at 56 Southwark Bridge Road, 56 Southwark Bridge Road Launch of a report summarising the findings of a short survey on "My Community" carried out among primary school children, youths and teenagers, the working age adult and older people. The survey aimed to find out: * why people love their Southwark community * what people want their community to do for them to fit in better * what they are willing to contribute to live in harmony in their community Southwark residents, community workers, opinion leaders and policy makers are welcome Blackfriars Settlement hopes that the results will eventually influence policy and make life better. The event will be chaired by Cllr Adele Morris. Speakers include Simon Hughes MP. Light entertainment produced by Lightning Ensemble.Refreshments will be provided. Contact Sylvia on 020 7928 9521/07943 838674 for details. Info & map: ETHICAL CHRISTMAS EMPORIUM AT BARGEHOUSE, OXO TOWER WHARF Thursday 20 to Sunday 23 November 11am-7pm at Bargehouse, Oxo Tower Wharf, Barge House Street; �1 (children free) With a glittering array of beautiful gifts to buy and foods to try, you can treat yourself and your family this Christmas safe in the knowledge that your presents were ethically sourced. With more than 40 stalls - including Tate & Lyle, Cafedirect, Divine Chocolate, Zaytoun, RSPB, Shared Earth and World Music Network - over three floors. A local youth club choir will come together through a live satellite link-up with a choir in Ghana to entertain visitors to the event with festive carols, while Green Santa will be on hand to spread a little Fairtrade Christmas cheer. In addition there will be children's activities, food tastings, films, informative talks, music and more. Info & map: LEARN ABOUT DIABETES WITH THE ASSOCIATION OF WATERLOO GROUPS Thursday 20 November 2.30pm at Waterloo Action Centre, 14 Baylis Road Session on diabetes with guest speaker Dr Stephen. Gllian Melling will talk about her new post as Older Peoples Worker at the Waterloo Action Centre. Plus information on a befriending scheme from Light refreshments provided. Info & map: JIM McNEILL - NEARLY 25 YEARS OF ARCTIC TRAVEL: HUMOROUS TALES FROM THE FROZEN NORTH Thursday 20 November 6.30pm at Chainbow, 16th Floor, Tower Building, 11 York Road; �12 from 07860 710501 or [email protected] Jim McNeill, known as The Ice Warrior, presents an entertaining talk fundraising for Ice Warrior's world first all female team to the geomagnetic North Pole. Prizes, raffles, silent auctions - further proceeds going to SPARKS children's charity. Info & map: COLOGNE CHRISTMAS MARKET ON THE SOUTH BANK Friday 21 November to Tuesday 23 December Daily 10am-10pm at Festival Riverside, Belvedere Road German-style Christmas Market with more than 30 stalls along the Queen's Walk between the London Eye and Royal Festival Hall. The wooden chalet stalls offer everything from jewellery and hand-crafted toys to ornaments, mulled wine and festive food, all accompanied by traditional Christmas music. Info & map: COMEDY ROYALE AT LONDON BRIDGE Friday 21 November 8.30pm at The Old King's Head, Kings Head Yard, 45-49 Borough High Street Open mic night in association with London Bridge Festival. Lucy Frederick Fraser, Ava Alexis, Anthony Miller, Craig Murray. Info & map: SOUTHWARK PLAYHOUSE OPEN DAY FOR YOUNG PEOPLE AGED 15-20 Saturday 22 November 11am-1.30pm at Southwark Playhouse, Shipwright Yard; free Aged 15-20? Interested in theatre? Want to get involved? Come to an Open Day at Southwark Playhouse. * Free workshops * Volunteering opportunities * Ticket schemes * Meet the actors * Free food If you are a young actor the playhouse will be offering free workshops on its current production, Presumption. You'll discover opportunities to perform on the main stage, find out how to volunteer and enjoy a free lunch. Find out more by calling Ellen Hughes on 020 7407 0234 or just turn up on the day. Info & map: CHRISTMAS FAYRE AT THE QUEENSBOROUGH COMMUNITY CENTRE Saturday 22 November 2pm at Queensborough Community Centre, Scovell Road; 25p Christmas Fayre with books, raffle, bric-a-brac, toys, tombola, cake stall and refreshments. Info & map: ============================================================ { Local job vacancies } * Concierge, Bermondsey Square * Reception/Admin, Jonathan Bailey Associates Full details at Why not advertise your job vacancy here? Only �9.99: ============================================================ { Noticeboard } Short news items from local organisations CONFERENCE AND TRAINING ROOMS - OPEN HOUSE AT INTERHEALTH InterHealth is hosting an Open House event from 24 to 28 November to show off its conference and training rooms in Waterloo. InterHealth is a specialist travel health charity providing medical and psychological health services to people working in international relief and development. To help support their charitable work, InterHealth hires out their facilities that can accommodate events from 2 people up to 65 people. By booking one of their rooms you will be supporting their pioneering work to improve global health. To find out more about their work please visit their website at ============================================================ { Hot topics from the London SE1 Forum } Our weekly digest of topics raised in recent discussions at * Tower of Power next to Waterloo Bridge * Fashion & Textile Museum bar - anyone been yet? * Drumming in SE1 - where can I practice? * Good reliable local plumber * BFI Southbank - who designed National Film Theatre? * Long Lane road works * Cycle Jacking Warning * Argos Extra �5 & �10 Vouchers * Taking out a CD changer * Coin sorting in SE1 * Horse drawn carriages in Waterloo * Plumbing problem expert advice needed * Kindness in Borough * Heygate Estate - student researching regeneration To see all the current active forum topics, go to: ============================================================ { Business forum in association with Better Bankside } * Wanted: Desk space in Shad Thames or London Bridge Read more at ============================================================ CONTACT DETAILS ============================================================ Before sending us event information please see Editor: James Hatts - [email protected] SE1 Direct is copyright (c) 2008 Bankside Press ============================================================ SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION ============================================================