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SE1 Direct 418: What's on this week ============================================================ [ SE1 Direct ] Issue 418 About this email newsletter: Daily local news & features: Monday 10 November 2008 ISSN 1750-0656 ============================================================ IN THIS BULLETIN ============================================================ * Local news & features from the London SE1 website * Advert: FIND YOUR MUSICAL SELF! Piano lessons in SE1 * What's on this week * Local job vacancies: 2 jobs this week * Noticeboard: Free fundraising workshops * Hot topics from the London SE1 Forum * Business Forum in association with Better Bankside ============================================================ { Local news & features from the London SE1 website } Remember you don't have to wait till SE1 Direct drops into your mailbox to get a local news fix. The London SE1 website offers the latest news throughout the week. You can also see the news on a map: * Pictures: Remembrance Sunday in SE1 Read more at: * 'Bluetooth' appeal in Errol Davis seOne murder inquiry Read more at: * Man headbutted in "vicious" London Bridge Station attack Read more at: * Barack Obama invited to visit Southwark Read more at: * Downside Fisher Youth Club celebrates its first 100 years Read more at: * 17-year-old jailed for Old Kent Rd 'knife in skull' attack Read more at: * Wheatsheaf book published as pub makes way for Thameslink Read more at: * Boris Johnson axes Cross River Tram Read more at: * Work in London Bridge? Have your say on local policing Read more at: * Art in the Air at the Lord Mayor's Show with In Toto Read more at: * Divine celebrates a decade of fairtrade chocolate Read more at: ============================================================ { Advert: FIND YOUR MUSICAL SELF! } Do something different for a change and take Piano lessons with Linda Nottingham at London Bridge Studio in Holyrood Street. Many people find that learning (or continuing with) Piano is a real antidote to the rigours of the workplace. Try three lessons to find out what it entails and then decide if you wish to continue. Please contact Linda for further details: 07981 816207 [email protected] Linda Nottingham LRAM ARCM BA(Hons) ------------------------------------------------------------ Get your ad here: ============================================================ { What's on this week } Each week we select a few highlights from the community and cultural events taking place over the next seven days. For a comprehensive what's on guide visit or pick up a copy of our free monthly printed publication, 'in SE1'. SHAD THAMES RESIDENTS' ASSOCIATION OPEN MEETING Monday 10 November 7.30pm-9pm at The Bridge House, 218 Tower Bridge Road Welcome by Julian Griffiths, chair, STRA Core Group and Cllr Eliza Mann who will be pleased to answer your questions. Tim Walker from Southwark Council will explain the Shad Thames controlled parking zone (CPZ) consultation. And Stephen Cornford will provide an update on winter events in Potters Fields Park. Info & map: ARMISTICE CEREMONY AT IMPERIAL WAR MUSEUM Tuesday 11 November 11am at Imperial War Museum, Lambeth Road; free Exactly 90 years on from the moment the First World War ended, a memorial ceremony is held in the Museum's atrium. Info & map: GUY'S HOSPITAL REMEMBRANCE CEREMONY Tuesday 11 November 10.50am-11.05am at Guy's Hospital, Great Maze Pond King's College Remembrance Ceremony at the Guy's Memorial Arch (opposite the entrance to the Hodgkin Building). This will include prayers for peace, the laying of wreaths, the sounding of the Last Post and Reveille and the two minutes' silence. Info & map: BERMONDSEY COMMUNITY COUNCIL: SOUTHWARK BOSS ANNIE SHEPPERD Tuesday 11 November 7pm at St Michael's Catholic School, John Felton Road SE16 Meeting for Riverside, Grange and South Bermondsey wards. A special 'Pride of Place' meeting with Southwark Council chief executive Annie Shepperd who will spend the day in Bermondsey meeting local people and then join the debate with residents at the community council in the evening. There will also be a presentation by the Bermondsey Street Area Partnership as well as an update on plans to rebuild St Michael's School. Meet your councillors, find out about local projects and have your say. Plus regular updates from police and community wardens. Info & map: MONTAGUE CLOSE EXCAVATIONS 40 YEARS ON Tuesday 11 November 7.30pm at New Cut Housing Co-Operative Hall, 106 The Cut; �1 Lecture by Graham Dawson. Southwark & Lambeth Archaeological Society. Info & map: BULLDOG UK CHALLENGE Thursday 13 November 1pm-2pm at Potters Fields Park, Tooley Street Bulldog Gin is staging a world record breaking attempt at the highest number of people arm wrestling in one place and at one time. The event will be witnessed by a representative od Guinness World Records. More than 200 participants will gather in Potters Fields Park to flex their muscles. Seated across a long table opposite their opponent, participants will be asked to roll up their sleeve and demonstrate strength, mental agility, endurance and technique to outwit their partner and take on the next. Using tactics such as the top roll, the post, the hook and the shoulder roll competitors will battle it out to be the last arm standing and crowned Bulldog Champion. Info & map: BANKSIDE OPEN SPACES TRUST AGM Thursday 13 November 6pm at The Crypt, St George the Martyr, Borough High Street Find out about the work of this charity which improves local green spaces. A chance to get involved. Info & map: LORE AND THE LAW: LEGAL FOLKLORE AND URBAN LEGENDS Thursday 13 November 8pm at The Old King's Head, Kings Head Yard, 45-49 Borough High Street; �2.50 (conc �1.50) Stories accumulate around legal processes, from dramatic incidents in trials to "strange laws" and misconceived law suits (usually American and often urban legends). David Allen Green is a practising lawyer. He will lead a discussion about the role in the law of folklore and urban legends. South East London Folklore Society. Info & map: NEWINGTON TRIANGLE: BOROUGH ROAD/NEWINGTON CAUSEWAY PLANS Saturday 15 November 10am-4pm at Queensborough Community Centre, Scovell Road Hollybrook Homes, the owners of the land between Newington Causeway, Borough Road and the railway line (which they are calling Newington Triangle) are holding an Open Day as part of their community consultation programme for redevelopment of the site. Info & map: COOLTAN ARTS LARGACTYL SHUFFLE WALK Saturday 15 November Walk from Maudsley Hospital in Denmark Hill to Tate Modern. Walkers meet at 12 noon. Everyone is welcome. Cooltan Arts says its's a great chance to learn more about the local history in Southwark, get some exercise and meet interesting people. More info at HAPPY-GO-LUCKY: COIN STREET NEIGHBOURHOOD FILM CLUB Saturday 15 November 7pm (refreshments from 6.30pm) at Coin Street Neighbourhood Centre, 108 Stamford Street; free Mike Leigh's upbeat movie about London life. Look out for Lower Marsh and Crockatt & Powell in the opening scenes. See if you can spot Tower Bridge Primary School and the St John's Estate too. Screenings are held in the third floor conference facilities, making use of the high quality audio-visual facilities and comfortable seating. Booking required on 020 7021 1600 or [email protected] Info & map: WHAT DO PEOPLE THINK ABOUT LIVING IN BOROUGH & BANKSIDE? CELEBRATING OUR COMMUNITY Monday 17 November 6.30pm at 56 Southwark Bridge Road Launch of a report summarising the findings of a short survey on "My Community" carried out among primary school children, youths and teenagers, the working age adult and older people. The survey aimed to find out: * why people love their Southwark community * what people want their community to do for them to fit in better * what they are willing to contribute to live in harmony in their community Southwark residents, community workers, opinion leaders and policy makers are welcome Blackfriars Settlement hopes that the results will eventually influence policy and make life better. The event will be chaired by Cllr Adele Morris. Speakers include Simon Hughes MP. Light entertainment produced by Lightning Ensemble Refreshments will be provided. Contact Sylvia on 020 7928 9521/07943 838674 for details. Info & map: THE COLOUR OF MONEY: NEW ITV1 SHOW WITH CHRIS TARRANT Friday 21 to Tuesday 25 November 1.30pm & 6.15pm at the London Studios, Upper Ground; free Be part of the audience for this new primetime ITV1 show where all contestants have to do is hold their nerve in order to win a life-changing amount of money. For free tickets visit or call 020 8530 8100. Advance notice: CHRISTMAS CONCERT IN AID OF ST THOMAS' LUPUS TRUST Thursday 4 December 7pm at St Margaret's Westminster; advance tickets �5 (conc �2) Performances include: Revelation Choir (Finalists BBC 1's Last Choir Standing) Hamilton Ringers St Peter's Eaton Square Infants school ZHL String Ensemble Queens College Choir Readings: Charles Dance, Lynn Faulds Wood, Graham Cole - PC Tony Stamp of ITV's 'The Bill' & Reena Spencer. To book tickets call 020 7188 3562 ============================================================ { Local job vacancies } * Reception/Admin, Jonathan Bailey Associates * Personal Assistant required to support an Autistic child Full details at Why not advertise your job vacancy here? Only �9.99: ============================================================ { Noticeboard } Short news items from local organisations FREE FUNDRAISING WORKSHOPS IN NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER 2008. If you are planning a community fun day, carnival, music festival, street party or art project for summer 2009, now is the time to get your funding in place. This three part comprehensive course delivered by a professional events trainer and guest speakers; will ensure you have all the skills and knowledge you need to access and apply for funding from a range of sources including the Arts Council England, Capital Community Foundation, Southwark Council and commercial sponsorship. Whilst enjoying a free lunch, you will also have the opportunity to network with other local community groups and meet other like-minded people. Southwark Council is now taking bookings for the 3-part course 'Introduction to Fundraising': November 12, 20th and December 3rd. Places are limited and offered on a first-come, first-served basis To register and for further information tel: Chinnelle Anichebe /Tom McGregor on 020 7815 1500 ext. 2149/2124. e-mail: [email protected] ============================================================ { Hot topics from the London SE1 Forum } Our weekly digest of topics raised in recent discussions at * Heygate Estate * I'm going to Ikea - need anything? * Sofa Swap * Small metallic cubes in and near London Bridge Station * Siamese Cat needs a new home * The Circle - Aerial problems * Toys/Games for Charity - where can I donate? * Recycling? Really? * Where to take the prez? * Pilates Classes - late afternoon * Good GP in SE1? * Attempted Break In On Bermondsey St * Noise intrusion - attention Southwark residents * Desperately seeking Printer! * Sash window repair To see all the current active forum topics, go to: ============================================================ { Business forum in association with Better Bankside } * Desperately seeking Printer! * Training facilities wanted * Looking for business property on Borough High Street * Space needed 6-9am for yoga Read more at ============================================================ CONTACT DETAILS ============================================================ Before sending us event information please see Editor: James Hatts - [email protected] SE1 Direct is copyright (c) 2008 Bankside Press ============================================================ SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION ============================================================