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============================================================ [ SE1 Direct ] Issue 382 About this email newsletter: Daily local news & features: Monday 3 March 2008 ISSN 1750-0656 ============================================================ >> IN THIS BULLETIN ============================================================ * Local news & features from the London SE1 website * Advert: Do something life-changing in 2008! * What's on this week * March 2008 issue of 'in SE1' out now * Local job vacancies - 5 jobs this week * Local arts reviews from the London SE1 website * Hot topics from the London SE1 Forum * Business Forum in association with Better Bankside ============================================================ { Local news & features from the London SE1 website } Remember you don't have to wait till SE1 Direct drops into your mailbox to get a local news fix. The London SE1 website offers the latest news throughout the week. You can also see the news on a map: * Doon Street Tower: South Bank skyscraper inquiry resumes Read more at: * 5,000 free newspapers collected outside City Hall Read more at: * Potters Fields: Mayor still preparing compulsory purchase Read more at: * Government's lukewarm support for South Bank film centre Read more at: * Chinese medicine institute opens at South Bank University Read more at: * Lambeth Road sealed off due to leaking gas cylinder Read more at: ============================================================ { Advert: Do something life-changing in 2008! } With the Alexander Technique you can - move with grace and ease - sit effortlessly upright at your desk - be focused, effective and confident. "The Alexander Technique works... I recommend it enthusiastically to anyone who has neck pains or back pain." - Roald Dahl, writer We are four STAT-qualified Alexander Technique teachers with a wide range of experience. Daytime and evening appointments are available. If you want to find out how the Alexander Technique can help you, call us to arrange a free 20-minute introductory session. South Bank Alexander Centre, 27a Blackfriars Road, SE1 020 7928 6378 [email protected] ------------------------------------------------------------ Get your ad here: ============================================================ { What's on this week } Each week we select a few highlights from the community and cultural events taking place over the next seven days. For a comprehensive what's on guide visit or pick up a copy of our free monthly printed publication, 'in SE1'. RADICALS, RASCALS & WILD, WILD WOMEN: RETHINKING THE VICTORIANS Wednesday 5 March 1pm at Refectory Annexe, Morley College, 61 Westminster Bridge Road; free Free lunchtime lecture by John Shaw. Info & map: WELCOME HOME MEDAL PARADE AT THE SCOOP Wednesday 5 March 2pm at The Scoop, More London Riverside Welcome home medal parade for territorials from 151 (London) Transport Regiment The Royal Logistics Corps (Volunteers) who have been serving in Afghanistan. Info & map: BOROUGH & BANKSIDE COMMUNITY COUNCIL Wednesday 5 March 7pm at Charles Dickens Primary School, Lant Street Meeting for Cathedrals and Chaucer wards. Agenda includes the latest on Thameslink plans for Borough Market and Southwark's new Enterprise Quarter planning document for the area around London South Bank University. Info & map: SINGLES IMPROVISATION NIGHT Wednesday 5 March 7.30pm at The Miller, 96 Snowsfields; �10 A singles night with a difference. The organisers want to challenge your concept of flirting with a series of improvisation games specially designed to help you swap numbers without the pressure. 5 free tickets with the promotion code SE1FREEIMPROV Info & map: TURBO BELLY RAVE - FREE FITNESS SESSION FOR WOMEN'S WEEK Thursday 6 March 1pm-1.45pm at Elephant & Castle Leisure Centre; free Dance yourself fit! Chutney, Reggaeton, Kebab Disco, Oriental Club Groove & Burning Hot Yana Yana Tunes to make you move. Buckets of sweat & fun guaranteed. No floorwork. Free taster session for International Women's Week. Men and Women welcome. Please wear trainers. Info & map: RUSH HOUR CONCERT - FREE CLASSICAL MUSIC IN WATERLOO Thursday 6 March 6pm-7.15pm at St John's Waterloo, Waterloo Road; free Avoid the rush. Enjoy some great music and a glass of wine in this free concert performed by Britain's brightest young stars. Southbank Sinfonia perform in partnership with the Academy of St Martin in the Fields. Info & map: SOUTH BANK FORUM Thursday 6 March 7pm at Coin Street Neighbourhood Centre, 108 Stamford Street Regular meeting for residents of the Waterloo area chaired jointly by MPs Simon Hughes and Kate Hoey. Agenda includes: * Revised development proposal for Westminster Place (opposite St Thomas' Hospital) * Project Blake - the life of William Blake in Lambeth * Southwark Community Project Banks * Services for children in SE1 ... plus your opportunity to raise issue from the floor. Info & map: INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY IN BERMONDSEY & ROTHERHITHE Saturday 8 March 10.30am-5pm at Beormund Centre, 177 Abbey Street Advice, activities and therapies will be on offer to women who live, work or study in Bermondsey and Rotherhithe to mark International Women's Day 2008. Come and take part in the fashion parade, DIY or massage workshops, and have a free health and beauty therapy, plus lots more. Free snacks and refreshments in the afternoon and all-day creche. Contact Sharon Beckwith (020 7740 0896 or [email protected]) to book a taster session in carpentry or electrical skills from 10.30am to 1pm (including creche, lunch after the workshop, and a guaranteed therapy session in the afternoon) or if you would like to take part in the fashion parade in the afternoon. Otherwise just come along from 2pm onwards to talk to specialists in manual trades, get advice on training and careers, watch the fashion parade and indulge in a free alternative health therapy or take part in a massage workshop. Info & map: FORENSIC: ART EXHIBITION AT 55 LEROY STREET Saturday 8 to Sunday 30 March Sat & Sun 2pm-6pm & by appointment at 55 Leroy Street; free Forensic is the first 'The Space In-Between' project. It takes the space itself as the starting point for an exhibition of installations and interventions. The building at 55 Leroy Street awaits transformation from vacant light-industrial warehouse to contemporary apartments. Structural and cosmetic changes to the interior have created an environment that bears traces of previous occupants. Though specific references are difficult to locate there is documentation of trades including wheelwrights, underwear makers and 'novelty' producers registered at the address. Seven artists were invited to investigate the historical and current condition of the building - the exhibition presents their responses. Info & map: PARTICIPATORY DANCE EVENT FOR WOMEN IN POTTERS FIELDS PARK Saturday 8 March 3pm at Potters Fields Park, Tooley Street Dancer Nathalie Dubreu would like to invite women, anyone, any age, any shape, of any fitness level for a participatory explorative performance of themselves. Info & map: BERMONDSEY COMMUNITY COUNCIL - YOUNG PEOPLE SPECIAL Monday 10 March 7pm at Salmon Youth Centre, 19 Old Jamaica Road SE16 Meeting for Riverside, Grange & South Bermondsey wards. This month's theme is young people. Info & map: MELODY: COMMUNITY FILM CLUB AT TATE MODERN Monday 10 March 7pm (refreshments from 6.30pm) at Starr Auditorium, Tate Modern, Bankside; free to members 1971 movie filmed in North Lambeth and directed by Waris Hussein. With an introduction by local historian Stephen Bourne. Filming locations include Kennington Road, Lambeth Road and Hercules Road. Any extras from the film are encouraged to attend! Membership of the Community Film Club is primarily aimed at those living and working in Southwark and Lambeth. To become a member (it's free) call 020 7401 5176, email [email protected] or join on the night. Info & map: ============================================================ { March 2008 issue of 'in SE1' out now } The latest edition of our monthly printed what's on guide is out now. It'll soon be available to pick up at all the usual 75+ distribution points around the area, or you can download and print your own copy by visiting ============================================================ { Local job vacancies } * Customer Services/Helpdesk, Coin Street Community Builders * Administrators, Coin Street Community Builders * Sterile Services Assistants, Guy's & St Thomas' NHS Trust * Project Admin Assistant, architecture plb * Director, Southwark Arts Forum Full details at Why not advertise your job vacancy here? Only �9.99: ============================================================ [ Arts Reviews from the London SE1 website ] * Involution at Pacific Playhouse Read more at: ============================================================ { Hot topics from the London SE1 Forum } Our weekly digest of topics raised in recent discussions at * Where is Newington? * Green the Elephant * Goldsmiths Arms, Southwark Bridge Road * Studio space wanted * Landscape gardener * London College of Communication - what do you think? * Horseshoe Inn, Melior Place * Ironmonger * Toilets - Grange Road * Evacuation on Wednesday at Tesco on the Old Kent Road * Project Bankside - Holland Street construction * Tyers Gate Recycling * Good passport photos To see all the current active forum topics, go to: ============================================================ { Business forum in association with Better Bankside } * Financial support for ISO 9001 accreditation * Need a good plumber? * Retail space needed by local business Read more at ============================================================ >> CONTACT DETAILS ============================================================ Before sending us event information please see Editor: James Hatts - [email protected] SE1 Direct is copyright (c) 2008 Bankside Press ============================================================ >> SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION ============================================================