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============================================================ [ SE1 Direct ] Issue 345 About this email newsletter: Daily local news & features: Monday 18 June 2007 ISSN 1750-0656 ============================================================ >> IN THIS BULLETIN ============================================================ * Local news & features from the London SE1 website * Advert: South Bank Alexander Centre * What's on this week * Situations vacant - 7 local jobs this week * Arts reviews from the London SE1 website * Hot topics from the London SE1 Forum * Business Forum in association with Better Bankside ============================================================ [ Local news & features from the London SE1 website ] Remember you don't have to wait till SE1 Direct drops into your mailbox to get a local news fix. The London SE1 website offers the latest news throughout the week. You can also see the news on a map: * Mayor secures extra housing from Blackfriars Rd developers Read more at: * Gormley sculptures feature in radio drama Read more at: * New timetable set for Elephant & Castle developer decision Read more at: * Slow Food pioneer chooses Borough Market for book launch Read more at: * Concepts for IBM South Bank revealed on Apprentice final Read more at: * Hospital election results announced Read more at: * London Eye transformed into Fantastic Four advert Read more at: * Wind turbine on New Kent Road housing block Read more at: * Go-ahead for Bermondsey Street apart-hotel Read more at: * Potters Fields kiosk at Royal Academy Summer Exhibition Read more at: * IPC completes King's Reach to Blue Fin Building relocation Read more at: * Award for fairtrade chocolate company boss Read more at: ============================================================ [ Advert: South Bank Alexander Centre ] Thinking of change? Lighten your life with the Alexander Technique. Using the Alexander Technique you can become... - alert - balanced - relaxed - focused - effective - confident. "Through the Alexander Technique I was able to rehabilitate my running after 25 years of being unable to run through injuries, to the extent that I was able to set ten world records for veterans." Paul Collins, Alexander teacher and veteran marathon record holder The South Bank Alexander Centre has three experienced Alexander Technique teachers, including Glynn MacDonald - Master of Movement at Shakespeare's Globe. Daytime and evening appointments are available. If you would like to find out more, we offer free 20-minute introductory sessions. South Bank Alexander Centre, 27a Blackfriars Rd, SE1 020 7928 6378 [email protected] ------------------------------------------------------------ Advertise here: ============================================================ [ What's on this week ] Each week we select a few highlights from the community and cultural events taking place over the next seven days. For a comprehensive what's on guide visit or pick up a copy of our free monthly printed publication, 'in SE1'. THE ANJALI PERIN QUARTET: OPEN-AIR JAZZ AT THE SCOOP Tuesday 19 June 6.30pm at The Scoop, More London Riverside; free Enjoy Anjali's arrangements of jazz standards and original compositions, adding lyrics to some of her favourite jazz instrumental solos. Info & map: COMMUNITY GARDEN OPENING AT TATE MODERN Wednesday 20 June 4pm-5.30pm at the Community Garden (north-east of Tate Modern), Bankside; free Come along and join the fun at this family event. There will be bug hunts, vegetable puppet sculpting and planting in a pot with BOST. Help make some traditional bunting with an artistic twist. Free refreshments will be provided and all are welcome. A free family goodie bag will be given out. Information from Synthia Griffin on 020 7401 5176 or [email protected] Info & map: OPEN-AIR MOVIES AT THE SCOOP THIS WEEK: POINT BLANK, ROMEO & JULIET, VOLVER Wednesday 20, Thursday 21, Friday 22 June 9.15pm at The Scoop, More London Riverside; free Annual season of free open-air movie screenings in the amphitheatre by City Hall. Turn up & take a seat by 9.15pm. * Wednesday: Point Blank Info & map: * Thursday: William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet Info & map: * Friday: Volver Info & map: TOUR OF THE SOUTH BANK BY ALEX LIFSCHUTZ: ARCHITECTURE WEEK Wednesday 20 June 6pm-7.30pm at Festival Riverside, Belvedere Road; free From Hungerford Bridge to the Millennium Bridge via the viewing gallery at Oxo Tower for a glass of champagne - numbers limited to 30 - Alex will discuss the history of the South Bank and the benefits or otherwise of new arts buildings compared to converted warehouses. Contact Nicky Trainor 020 8600 4800 or [email protected] to reserve a place. Info & map: REDEDICATION OF WAR MEMORIAL PLAQUE AT THE YOUNG VIC Thursday 21 June 3pm at Young Vic, The Cut Rededication of plaque on Young Vic to local residents who died there in the war. Canon Richard Truss from St John's Waterloo will rededicate the plaque which will be restored on the new Young Vic building. Kate Hoey MP will attend and all are welcome. The plaque commemorates the 54 residents, aged 2 months to 82 years, mainly from The Cut and Ipsden Buildings who were killed in the air raid shelter in the cellar of the bakers when two bombs fell on it on 17 April 1941. If you know of anyone whose relatives or friends were involved please let them know. Further information from Association of Waterloo Groups on 020 7928 9662 [email protected] Info & map: CAFE SCIENTIFIQUE: FOREVER YOUNG? SCIENCE, AGEING & SOCIETY Thursday 21 June 7pm at The Pacific Playhouse, 5-6 Playhouse Court, 62 Southwark Bridge Road; free An informal discussion with scientists working to understand ageing. Info & map: LIGHTS OUT LONDON Thursday 21 June 9pm-10pm across London Capital 95.8 is inviting the whole of London to turn off all lights and non-essential appliances between 9pm and 10pm. Participating buildings/organisations in SE1: * City Hall * Visit London * National Theatre * Tabard Square barometer beacon * Blue Fin Building (IPC Media) * Clink Prison Museum WATERLOO FLOWER FESTIVAL Friday 22 June Procession 3.30pm-4pm at Waterloo Millennium Green, Waterloo Road; free Local schoolchildren will bring floral head dresses - made in sessions organised by Waterloo Green Trust - to the green. There they will have workshops in Flamenco dancing, dance and art and facepainting. A procession will follow at 3.30pm, with a live steel drum band, also from a local school. Local residents and workers are invited to come and watch the procession. Info & map: WATERLOO MUSIC: CUBAN RHYTHMS AT EMMA CONS GARDENS Friday 22 June 5pm-7pm at Emma Cons Gardens, The Cut; free Visit Waterloo Flower Festival on Waterloo Millennium Green and then bask in burning Cuban rhythms while enjoying a Cubana cocktail. Part of a series of Friday evening Waterloo Music events leading up to the Waterloo Carnival on Friday 13 July. Info & map: IS LONDON A UNITED CITY? DEBATE LONDON Friday 22 June 7.30pm-9.30pm in the Turbine Hall at Tate Modern, Bankside; �8 (conc �5) This event asks important questions about who gets the better deal out of London's growth. Are the real winners in the regeneration game the rich or the poor? Are people from all backgrounds really getting the same chances to sample London's cultural offerings? Info & map: GUY'S HOSPITAL OPEN DAY Saturday 23 June 11am-4pm at Guy's Hospital, St Thomas' Street; free Residents of Southwark, Lambeth and patients are being offered a peek behind the scenes of one of London's oldest hospitals. The day will include information about health services and how to get involved with your local hospital; plenty of stalls to browse; live bands; stilt walkers; a traditional Victorian fun fair; face painters and a healthy barbecue. Info & map: WHAT KIND OF LONDON DO WE WANT?: DEBATE LONDON Saturday 23 June 7.30pm-9.30pm in the Turbine Hall at Tate Modern, Bankside; �8 (conc �5) With new policies in place to allow for more adventurous buildings than ever before, now is the time to find out what Londoners really want from their city. Do they want more or fewer Gherkins? This talk also considers whether we should look to Tokyo or Barcelona for inspiration, and what Londoners want to see in their streets and public spaces. Info & map: TABLE SALE AT ST HUGH'S Saturday 23 June 10am-2pm at St Hugh's, Crosby Row To book a table contact Audrey 07940 732345 or Linda 020 7642 1367. Info & map: DESMOND TUTU AT SOUTHWARK CATHEDRAL Sunday 24 June 11am at Southwark Cathedral, London Bridge Choral Eucharist. Celebrant and preacher: Archbishop Desmond Tutu Info & map: HOW CAN A BOOM TOWN BE GREEN?: DEBATE LONDON Sunday 24 June 7.30pm-9.30pm in the Turbine Hall at Tate Modern, Bankside; �8 (conc �5) Although London is flying the green flag higher than anywhere else in Britain (using cars less, and trains, buses, bikes and feet more), like any big city it rampantly eats up energy and pumps out pollution. This talk asks how we can reduce rather than increase environmental damage in light of London's current growth. Info & map: WATERLOO COMMUNITY STREET AUDIT Wednesday 27 June Living Streets is to undertake a Community Audit of the walking routes around Waterloo station for Transport for London. They are looking for people who live or work in the area to take part. The are hoping to do a total of three audits - one at breakfast time (8am), one at lunchtime (12 noon) and one in the evening at dusk (8pm start). Each audit will last 90 minutes maximum and will include a briefing, the on-street audit, and a debriefing to summarise the findings. Email [email protected] if you can spare the time to take part in this project. ============================================================ [ Situations vacant ] This is the place for local businesses and organisations to advertise job vacancies in Southwark and Lambeth. * Administrator, Coin Street Community Builders * Customer Services/Help Desk Manager, Coin Street * Customer Services/Help Desk Team, Coin Street * Venue Hire & Lettings Manager, Coin Street * Trustees, Time & Talents Association * Bar Staff, Utobeer Ltd - The Rake * Director and Planning Advisor, Willowbrook Centre Details of these jobs - and how to advertise a vacancy - at ============================================================ [ Arts reviews from the London SE1 website ] * Caligula at the Union Theatre Read more at: ============================================================ [ Hot topics from the London SE1 Forum ] Our weekly digest of topics raised in recent discussions at * Potters Field (Licensing) Litigation * Smoking ban * Water main repairs * Piano teacher in SE1 * Wind turbines * Shelves and cupboards * Video editing * Does anyone here live at Victor Wharf? * Table Tennis in SE1 * Bermondsey Square To see all the current active forum topics, go to: ============================================================ [ Business Forum in association with Better Bankside ] * Office Space Required in Waterloo Area * Office Space Borough High St * Business banking - who is good? ============================================================ >> CONTACT DETAILS ============================================================ Before sending us event information or press releases, please read this page: Editor: James Hatts - [email protected] SE1 Direct is copyright (c) 2007 Bankside Press ============================================================ >> SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION ============================================================