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[ SE1 Direct ] 	          <>

Email update from the Bankside Press team

Issue 5 | 14 May 2000

S P E C I A L   E D I T I O N

This is a special edition of [SE1 Direct] - the regular
weekly bulletin will be sent as usual this week.


[ Tate Modern: What's your verdict? ]

So, Tate Modern is now open and this weekend thousands
of visitors have streamed into the Bankside area.

Were you one of them?

Or do you live or work in SE1?

We are preparing our coverage of Tate Modern for the
June issue of "in SE1" and we want to hear your views
of Tate Modern, whether you are a first time visitor to
Bankside or a long-standing resident of SE1.

We'll be printing a selection of comments in the June
2000 issue of "in SE1"

Send your contribution to
<[email protected]>

For more on Tate Modern visit


[ - help us to plan for the future ]

We're currently drawing up a development plan for the
future of <>, and we'd like
to hear what you have to say about the website

We need your help with the following questions:

- what do you like about the site at the moment?

- what could we do better?

- what's missing from the site?

- do you find the site easy to use?

Send your comments on any aspect of the website to
<[email protected]>

C O N T A C T   D E T A I L S

[SE1 Direct] Editor: James Hatts
<[email protected]>

Bankside Press, PO Box 16560, London SE1 0YP Tel 020
7633 0766 - Fax 020 7620 4356

SE1 Direct is copyright (c) 2000 Bankside Press

Design with thanks to Absolute Ezines