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[ SE1 Direct ]    

Issue 45 | 20 May 2001

An email update from the Bankside Press team

>> I N   T H I S   B U L L E T I N 

* In the past week

* What's on this week

* Southwark regeneration drama

* SE1 in the news

* June issue of 'in SE1'

* In the London SE1 Forum


[ In the past week ]

Elephant regeneration to proceed

Wines is new Mayor of Southwark

Mayhew delivers SLIM lecture


[ What's on this week ]

Remember to check out 'in SE1' - available for download
at - for comprehensive listings.
Here are a few selections and late additions to the

Tuesday 22 May to Sunday 12 August
Giorgio Morandi
New exhibition at Tate Modern
See for details and book
online at
Catalogue available from at
Stand by for a full review on our website this week

Tuesday 22 May
Friends of Southwark Cathedral Spring Fayre
An opportunity to enjoy the new piazza at the
Cathedral. Cream teas, raffle and stalls. First
opportunity to purchase special edition prints of the
3-5.30pm at Southwark Cathedral

Wednesday 23 to Saturday 26 May
Resources for Waterloo exhibition (including
Sainsbury's plans and town centre management issues)
12 noon-6pm at Waterloo Action Centre, Baylis Road

Wednesday 23 May
Bankside Residents' Forum AGM
7pm at Tate Modern

NEXT WEEKEND sees the start of the Coin Street Festival
with a weekend of South Africa-related events (linked
with the Celebrate South Africa festival) - more
details in the next SE1 Direct mailing on Thursday and

Next Sunday Archbishop Desmond Tutu will celebrate and
preach at the 11am Choral Eucharist in Southwark
Cathedral. Nelson Mandela visited the Cathedral last
month to open the new buildings and to name a meeting
room after the former Archbishop of Cape Town.


[ Southwark regeneration drama ]

Sarah MacGregor writes:

I'm currently developing a drama set against the
backdrop of contemporary Southwark and I'd really love
to hear any readers' opinions on the development of the
area. How are the developments improving the quality of
life of the local residents? 

Any responses gratefully received and of course will be
credited on the final script.  If anyone would like to
be interviewed let me know and I'll come along and tape
the interviews.

Contact [email protected]


[ SE1 in the news ]

Adrian Forty on the Royal Festival Hall

Top job vacant at the National

Thameslink 2000 Inquiry in the Evening Standard


[ June issue of 'in SE1' ]

We're currently finalising the June issue of our
monthly what's on publication, so any last-minute news
or listings information should be sent to
[email protected] as soon as possible.


[ This week in the London SE1 Forum ]

Some of the topics raised in recent discussions on our
message board at

Elephant & Castle as it used to be

Looking for a chiropodist in the Bankside area

Coronet Cinema at the Elephant - nightclub plans

Buskers on Bankside

Baltic - new Blackfriars Road restaurant

Looking for a video of the "Power into Art" series

Building over anything green at the Bricklayers

Trees at Lambeth Bridge - waste of money?

Got an opinion you would like to share with the rest of
SE1? Visit

>> C O N T A C T   D E T A I L S

Bankside Press   

London SE1 - community site

in SE1 - what's on guide

SE1 Direct - email news

Contributions for the next SE1 Direct email bulletin to
[email protected] please.

We welcome your comments on any aspect of our website,
printed publication and email service. The address is
[email protected]

SE1 Direct is copyright (c) 2001 Bankside Press

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Send an email to [email protected] stating your
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