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[ SE1 Direct ]    

Issue 23 | 16 October 2000

An email update from the Bankside Press team

>> I N   T H I S   B U L L E T I N 

* An Apology from SE1 Direct
* Southwark Festival


[ An Apology from SE1 Direct ]

Firstly, we're sorry that you haven't heard from SE1
Direct for a while. There have been a few changes to
the way that the website and its
associated services are operated, and unfortunately
this has prevented us from sending out our regular
mailings. We hope that normal service will be resumed
shortly, with SE1 Direct being distributed on

As always your comments are welcome to
[email protected]


[ Southwark Festival ]

"Small is beautiful" is the theme for the Southwark
Festival starting this week.

"In this year of dramatic impression with the Dome,
mammoth fireworks displays and large and impersonal
events we thought that we would be noticeably
different" says Festival Director Michele McLusky.
"This year you will find small and intimate occasions,
rarely heard works, many small exhibitions, extra
events for children and our traditional favourites."

The Cathedral is also the venue for many musical events
including the world premieres of Gospel Train Boogie
and Spinning Wheels. Lunchtime recitals are being held
at the Cathedral, Guy's Hospital Chapel and St
George's. From Monday 16 October it will be possible to
discover 30 hidden artistic treasures in unusual places
from HSBC to Neal's Yard Dairy. Meanwhile No 1 London
Bridge will have a new exhibition of work by Gerald
Scarfe intended to amuse and amaze.

An important day is Thursday 26 October when the 600th
anniversary of Geoffrey Chaucer's death will be marked
in the Cathedral with a talk and a major musical event
featuring George Dyson's Canterbury Pilgrims.

Chaucer Day will also be the start of the week long
Southwark Literature Festival with events in both
Southwark and St George's Cathedrals, on board
HMS Belfast and the Golden Hinde and at Southwark
Playhouse. Guests include Christopher Lee, Chapman
Pincher, William Boyd and Dr David Starkey.



Contributions for the next [SE1 Direct] bulletin to
[email protected] please.

>> C O N T A C T   D E T A I L S

We welcome your comments on any aspect of our website,
printed publication and email service. The address is
[email protected]

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